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句子 陈述句, 疑问句, 祈使句, 感叹句 (一)陈述句 用来说明情况 主语+谓语 1) 肯定陈述句 I am from China. 2) 否定陈述句 I don’t come from China. (二)疑问句 一般疑问句 一般须用yes/no回答的问句 Be动词+主语+其他? 助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语动词? Am/Is/Are/Was/Were +主语+其他? Do/Does/DidWill/Shall/Would/Have/Has/Had +主语+谓语动词? Can/Could/May/Might/Must/Need/Should/Ought Is she Helen? Yes, she is. Does she come from China? No, she doesn’t. 特殊疑问句 由疑问词引导的问句 不用yes/no回答 疑问词有:what, which, who (whom宾格), whose, when, where, why, how What +n what time/colour/place Which+n which class/which books Whose +n whose coat/whose books How +adj/adv how old/how long/how many/how much how far/ how often/how soon 一般疑问句序 疑问词(不是主语)+ be动词+主语+其他? 疑问词(不是主语)+助动词+主语+谓语动词? Where are you from?/Where do you come from?/Which floor do you live on? 陈述句序 疑问词(是主语)+谓语动词? Who can count from 1 to five?/How many people have been to the Great Wall? 注意: who, what, which做主语时,通常按第三人称单数对待. 选择疑问句 提出两个或多个选项看哪个是正确的, 最后两个选项由or连接, 不用yes/no回答 一般疑问句序 Are you in the first year or the second? The second. 特殊疑问句序 What would you like, fables or short stories? Short stories. Which do you prefer, tea or milk? Neither, I’d like some coffee. 反意疑问句 陈述句+反意简略疑问句 前后时态一致,助动词一致。 They will never forget it, will they? He’s never late for school, is he? A: He’s never been to Beijing, has he? B: ①No, he hasn’t. But he says he will go there next month. ②Yes, he has. He went there last year. 陈述句肯定,简略句否定;陈述句否定,简略句肯定,即前肯后否,前否后肯。 陈述句中有not, no, never, few, little, nothing, hardly等词, 陈述句视为否定句,简略句肯定. (但不包括带有否定意义的前后缀的词,如: dislike, unhappy, unlucky等) The tiger could hardly go on breathing, could he? 简略问句的主语须用相应的人称代词I,we,you,they,he,she,it, 陈述句的主语为指示代词this, that, 不定代词nothing,不定式,动名词时,简略问句的主语为it. 陈述句的主语为指示代词these, those, 不定代词nobody, everybody, somebody等时, 简略问句的主语为they. 但there be句型还用there. That will be a welcome change, won’t it? There are m


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