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Johnson Controls 1 2013年江森自控 约克冷冻 雀巢用户技术培训 交流会 展勤约克冷冻 专业之选 Welcome 热烈欢迎 Johnson Controls 2 悠久历史 冷冻业务 冷冻产品及应用领域 典型客户 Johnson Controls 3 悠久历史 JC-Sabroe Products PPT guidelines, BBP | 17 March 2009 4 Global leadership in each of our businesses Building Efficiency (Turnover USD 14,121 million) 设施效益 Our products and services include HVACR equipment and control systems, industrial refrigeration, fire and security systems, and services for commercial, industrial and residential buildings. Our focus is to make buildings more comfortable, productive, safe and energy efficient. Automotive Experience (Turnover USD 18,091 million) 汽车饰件 Global leader in interior systems for light vehicles including passenger cars and light trucks. Systems supplied include seating, overhead, door, instrument panels, storage, and electronics. Power Solutions (Turnover USD 5,850 million) 动力解决方案 World’s largest manufacturer of lead acid automotive batteries and developer of advanced battery chemistries. Abut 80 percent of batteries are sold through the automotive aftermarket and 20 percent are sold as original equipment. JCI约克冷冻 – 优秀的品牌、经验和历史的累积 1997: Acquisition of ABB Stal Refrigeration 1897: Foundation of Thomas Ths. Sabroe Co. 1997: Acquisition of Novenco 1999: Sabroe becomes part of YORK International 1874: Foundation of YORK Manufacturing Co. 1981: Acquisition of the Luxaire brand 1987: Acquisition of the Frick Company 1987: Acquisition of Bristol, a manufacturer of small compressors 1995: Acquisition of Gram Refrigeration 1999: Acquisition of IMEF Joined JCI in 2005 成立于1874年 7 York, PA 8 Waynesboro,PA 成立于1853年 9 Arhus, Denmark 成立于1897年 生产区域: 34,354 m2 办公区域: 8,285 m2 10 过去和未来 - 我们能够做到很多 Confidential proprietary | Kick-off Barcelona - PSS 10 Nov 2011 11 冷冻业务 12 酿造 饮料 乳业 食品加工处理 冷冻冷藏库 溜冰场 制药 船用 商业建筑 高科技车间 石油和天然气处理 石油化工 化工 其他 约克冷冻在全球诸多市场中处于领先地位 13 广泛的应用-工业冷冻 液化天然气/液化石油气输送 14 人造滑雪场 广泛的应用-食品冷冻 制药 15 约克冷冻遍布中国 冷冻专业销售团队 全国超过50位专业的冷冻销售 冷冻工程设计中心(上海) 全国维修中心(上海) 43



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