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东北财经大学本科毕业论文 合力公司电动车辆的竞争策略分析 作 者: 张淑红 专 业: 工商管理 年 级: 2006年 学 号: 061174056  指导老师: 陈丽君 教 学 点: 省直电大 成 绩: 内 容 摘 要 本文尝试对合力公司电动车辆所处的宏观环境和产业环境进行深度分析;将合力与主要竞争对手进行差异比较;探讨合力公司发展电动车辆事业所具备的优势和劣势以及面临的机会和威胁。在此基础上探索合力未来在电动车辆产品上的竞争策略。 宏观环境分析的目的是要说明政治/法律环境、经济环境、社会环境与技术环境对电动车辆产业未来发展的影响。 在进行产业环境分析时,使用了波特的五力竞争模型,试图反映产业内的竞争态势及未来的发展趋势。 同时针对合力公司电动车辆内部环境进行了SWOT分析,制定了适合企业自身的发展战略。本文在综合评价合力公司内外部环境后,设定合力公司电动车辆竞争战略需要达到的目标是:①与跨国巨头相比,成本更低、服务更加周到;②与国内竞争者相比,产品性能和品质更高、品牌形象更优秀。依据此目标,本文给出了合力公司的竞争策略要点。基本思路是兼用差异化策略和成本领先策略,以构建合力电动车辆产品在技术、服务、品牌、价格上的综合竞争优势。 关键词:电动车辆;环境分析;五力竞争模型;SWOT分析;竞争策略 Abstract This article attempts to apply deep analysis on the macroscopic environment and the industrial environment which Heli Corporation locates to, to carry on the difference between Heli and the major competitors, to discuss the opportunities and the threats which Heli corporation faces ,to point out the superiorities and the inferiorities which Heli corporation has. Based on this, the article wants to make out the competition strategy on the electric vehicle product for Heli corporation in the future. The goal of macroscopic environment analysis is to show the influence that the political/law environment, the economic environment, the social environment and the technical environment possess with to the development of the electric vehicle industry in the future. When carries on the industrial environment analysis, the article has used Michael Porter’s five forces strategy analysis model, attempts to describe the competition situation among competitors and the change tendency. The internal environment analysis has listed the strengths and weaknesses which Heli has with it. After gives quality synthetic evaluation on internal and external environment of Heli Corporation, this article establishes the goal which the electrical vehicle competition strategy needs to achieve. That is: ①Being com


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