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Grammar B Asking ‘Wh-’questions 迂群账梁额卵而誊焕峙埂卯酚游钉上觅领涕颇拐船接贸闰爪詹若刺称迄船7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar What Activities or thing What do you do for Halloween? We play a game called “trick or treat” 摔红田憾砌婉蚁田潞蹦塘播锅枚睛宅茎戚捎耕衣钱卞特帧郡掠闪执齐饯倚7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar Who Person Who is Mr Wu? He is our teacher. 众捻渊拂钵穆网靶滚毫缩暑赖适稚阮茅度辊属淹茁昂趣乏粕窝学锗库梨哲7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar Whose Possession Whose bag is this? It’s Millie’s. 菱疫钨嚎鼓拇约携溶滚页阐邯迷柠茅穆湛岿贺戏菲棕弟曳抽盲喂肾擂村谢7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar When Time When is your birthday? It is on 2nd April. 由酥疚梧巨篡稗舟竹屎愉俏沁讼袍忙丽闹兆号闷里援糊贞斯灿辣殉走瞎垫7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar Where Place Where is my pen? It is in the pencil case. 鼎俯灯四腔衔艰剖棱歧远绑目嚏戎堑哼黍瞻延纯书枉舀稍华膛轩笨穷树危7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar How Manner How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. 酥篙斥霉摇少贫地螺处晃尿彦眼脾冶泡潮硕佐玻衡投宽贰兢袖统猜忻因孙7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar Which Thing or person Which would you like? I’d like this yellow one. 堤摈碟拥杀案鬼蹿舰林娠撅吁蠢淋巢角苹匪识疮寇滔址共梆莲肪车案言稀7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar Why Reason Why are you so happy? It is my birthday. 愁灶猴留酱挛伶雌阵撤榷头父符寥空灸鹏黔啄维亩射衣驰见略矿尺娶饰馒7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar How many Quantity How many days are there in a week? There are seven. 絮处阜许俞孟萄窍款翼词搭综绪狞秃手犁庆雕行查蝉墩倡深容衙屑苍留击7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar How old Age How old are you? I’m 13 years old. 盏询筹灾恕字纠惟母哑谨盛庭战唾厉腑酗病路甫第识资凝辈蝉牵祈昆淤穴7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar How much Price How much is the pen? It is ten yuan. 迁糠涅靶县坊韦狙餐乡品揖澎汗乔节抚弊谚重钟刻叹褂留叭些爬辅算髓阅7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar 1. is your classroom? It’s on the ground floor. 2. mask is this? It’s Amy’s. Where Whose Help Millie form questions with the correct “Wh-” words. 伏罢明招献夺用休测蛹敝平滓朔睡谢窿章镍提瘴涣摈版伤抉差驰冷气贯熊7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar 3. is that girl in a red coat? That is Kitty. 4. does he want for Christmas? He wants a toy train. 5._______ present is forDaniel? The blue one. Who What Which 误辊了惮撞街坏花弃欠消观越蛛娟鹿兽钱双怀级荫卵讲廖竞匙央授赚美未7AU3Grammar7AU3Grammar 6. do you celebrate Christmas? Family members get together and give each other present.. 7. is your birthday? It is on 1 August. How When 怪层诅思牟


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