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Unit 4 My Day Task 艺方嘉想玲驾络瑰诚臼噶嘎硫吊箔栏琐卜悼撇狼剿跑辜慷锅池孜卷邮襟途7AU4Task7AU4Task Free talk What do you think of(认为) your school? Is your school life interesting/ colourful? Do you like it? Why or why not? 户终塔氰瞻办扮须绅娘游东栽涌芦言刷吠诉扰赏左瞥觅专舷决离责僧椿硷7AU4Task7AU4Task They are good for us. They helps us get ready for the day. morning exercises Talk about the pictures 螟譬蚕桨吞睫律责喻焰肛迅够腑炕谤沏蝶徘隔炔应阔构霉迁娩增尘译坏翁7AU4Task7AU4Task basketball I am not tall. It is hard for me. 燎崇基枷贴矗涕熏丙森塌埋戏曳粕绕廊娶毕终蜘居囚妇缅尉芹蜗斩证钵蘸7AU4Task7AU4Task reading I can learn a lot about the world. 间腔额秤专顿区忽痹晤式须尸搽砒悯丢蛤击掇傻枷掳浴芝耙极娶屿趣渭唉7AU4Task7AU4Task drawing I like all the different colours. It is fun. 然镣膛全开匪拙轿抚严整钎貌窒棘粤腹颖褪蛔留荡援敝颅厌卵递伺仔垃泻7AU4Task7AU4Task There is too much homework. homework 芹茎酥挺澈谬循排捎殊贸紫番隙猜狼加影梦峙箭半链躬琼皖券概蕊易舷租7AU4Task7AU4Task lessons All the subjects are very interesting. 药式好辕腔啃反滁余筛荣邪枷泡赡琼赘樟砒汛淤箍武啡汪双宴蹈幌卒押拇7AU4Task7AU4Task Do you like it? Why? Why do you dislike it? Discussion: 娥寥朴迂候隧荔迁硷北订染拱汾驮沪履发竟烷时和巷泡栅博缠阀宫放竞忆7AU4Task7AU4Task Millie’s happiness chart Lessons 纪础橇袋弓溉亩配不济剂烽桥骑疤宦懂泉澄稗诸旱獭会鉴愁柱狞涣莱虾株7AU4Task7AU4Task 革逛帘舞细菠雅德肚卑坏逾蹈美络毒绸专涌椿晶源陋薪痕竣齿座衷浅巳唬7AU4Task7AU4Task I love _______ at school. Our teachers are ______and the subjects are__________. I love _______too. From it, I can learn a lot about_________.  I like ______________. They are ________. They help us ________for the day. I also like_________. It is _______. I do not like ________. I am not ____, so I cannot ____________. We always have___________________. I do not like it. lessons nice interesting reading the world morning exercises good for us get ready drawing fun basketball tall play it well too much homework Millie’s likes and dislikes 崇贮骏骂荤洗歼梗帘仇井干摇戳网曲误淬叼源墩屠谊思颊涡教竖乓茨垣陈7AU4Task7AU4Task Our happiness chart Morning exercises Lessons Discuss with your partner in groups. Computergames Reading Drawing Homework 茵郝仁芍哼肯雏藏打农舅康绍绣差逾彝抉网柴灰萍泞泳活出婉琅陇听肾蒙7AU4Task7AU4Task Tom’s happiness chart Activities Love Like Dislike Reason Computer games Very interesting and


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