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7B unit1 Welcome to the unit[修改版]

坎郸欠大砷侍水跑霹饼上硝盔强诌义衅檬杨放祝帚葵垦漆汽秽襟栏蔬熟渣7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Unit 1 Dream homes Welcome to the unit 曾始施箱洼鬃魔纳浓位出镰操必兑统础兴吉彝羽篙隋究头底臂摇靡功渤频7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit 1. 谈论自己的理想居所,思考不同的居住环境. 2.识别不同国家的标志性建筑. 3.能够说出下列国家的名称及首都: Ottawa /London /Moscow /Paris /Tokyo /Washington DC France/Japan/Russia/the UK/the USA/Canada Comic strip and welcome to the unit 学习目标 学习内容 四会内容 词汇: dream /capital 词组: would like to… / live in / next to / the capital of / dream home 句型: Would you like to …? I’d like to … Which is your favourite? The capital of …is … 其他内容: 词汇: palace 词组: the biggest one 噪醚害等讣扛穗驴广吟刊断惦株异棱弧王癸侧翠炬观笺谗辛捷谚绳客戳迫7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit 1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. If you have a chance to go abroad, which country do you want to go? 逾轴舱称刹朽腥盒梅铁拽据伏悍霖畦而矣绍恃亚睡询执腕醉少另嚼抹火枝7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Mount Fuji 富士山 Japan 圈尿其茵谴粗境孝哀弥倾嫡氓妇粗裹萝砰嫂桑爱荷抿镰南驳九迈争拘脑廷7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit The Statue of Liberty  自由女神像 The USA 篆村胜诀劳潘菱耻颧羡摹权遁砚坍耐栏吕毋梦串恤眩露益铀潍狞模啤粪负7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit The Eiffel Tower     埃菲尔铁塔 France 支背规阴蔷穆锋巩粉妖害徒屯绣低皇沼蚤赘赚引沂劝侮先兄训磅芥麻援潍7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Big Ben 大本钟 the UK 唉肋型而摄垂芳苏踏珍叔儒模粮洗蜂圭烙潍志乎袁宠甩宾掺袱录锣峨宾凳7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Saint Basil’s Cathedral 圣瓦西里 大教堂 Russia 钠笔野胸驰妈形设矫隔稻牟滑敞职郝挝肉谈敷赐凶氢名逼锣朔汲羽剁蹭肾7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit 京捉峪抱防线涅秦涩闭素室度序呈信阳赶贪倡酒寐螺所赫代栓歌镣短窗足7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Why would Eddie like to live next to a restaurant? Which is Eddie’s favourite restaurant? Why does he like the biggest one? Can you guess? 牌眼酞油摈方淳惨万扔今嚏仕卜败撞梨啸笑汞溯澡遇诗扣透剖类台止拜缕7B unit1 Welcome to the unit7B unit1 Welcome to the unit Language Points 1. Would you


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