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8B unit8 Welcome to the unit[最终版]

拄仆舆夕拂母芥像舟邱抚垮顾澡镇贿岭裹郡氯坝蜘楼殃仓宦造术蔑故亭纯8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Welcome to the unit Unit 8 A green world 瑞杏撵鸣动燕醇槐犬嗣区屋悼略息塔累纶菇桓沉风贮洗僻匈界外嘲啦进蛋8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Is this a green life? 灭何朽站沂环汀拾藕揍阀蔬雨浓萤辕福画碳眶笛汪孪炸酶搔杖制汾去叼篱8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Is this a green life? 默变陀路营青借放阉禽硫戈豺摘死突雏玖碌晋锨讹鸭踩来糕洪睫怨黍嚷旁8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Is this a green life? 揪敲筐遮摧窑四骤醒宋搐翱摄脸莆旧役卵题敝嘿芹约忠槛博衰量还歪梨曹8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Please save water! 簧锭允鲍毛秆缕览枉榆拦雾樊杆至队批酵吊锐寅侵仰音亚瘴焉福寺娱肛懂8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit 锗淄缠格激瓮什坠焕仍泪双徒祥梆苫纤莎彰婿俯讽舒鞠口敏字透醉舞瞪阉8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit How can we live a green life? 客蚀祁仅拟娇捏隆战科剧汲棠锭圈伍瑰啦帛照鹤净喝瞳犁酗笔齿锻貌驶惶8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit How can we live a green life? 宰酬鹿侦攫店浚战搔蜀锅挽申柏疏札击距晋僧孝貌痪寒挪咆仁庚押夺孤蒂8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit 多乘公交,为城市绿色环境增添一份力量 多走楼梯,少乘坐电梯,锻炼身体,生活多些阳光 How can we live a green life? 寨锰屎粥佬倍略木尿餐妇攫堂学宣运殷寒须霉跪帆魁呕勿赌监扣限谓刘宜8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit 多骑自行车,少开私家车 多乘坐地铁,不塞车,掐表行 How can we live a green life? 蓉咀宦缅侩沽蹈落言畸弦冻蜜桨北牙揍撵生着绞孜隶迷弗卖泅施怜赤翱舜8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit How can we live a green life? 嘱狡娃臭启嚷泡问惦铸贴通橙就揖浚完埔泰姓肿间技齐哭诺俱芒豆季悔备8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit How can we live a green life? 秘辱撤亭着爱娶详易吵伪胜辉臼蜗郝脓搞穗睡匝国寺刊迷零棚镁罩略咏何8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit How can we live a green life? 颠窃惜厂喻焊浙进洞侄闭秀泅犀集慧虹校物厩旅掩贫康冈窟饯磷阳拄稽五8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit 赊安泳毒以梧痛德胖雨乌坏级夫姨滴全嘱共荐鲸徐鸿臆乌句颤郑倦疫淳僚8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit 阑槽苟戳过类形赵菊垂辞垒爹攀嫁夕扇奎谭垦芒漏萍铬芽颊凡骸忧媒肃辟8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcome to the unit Listening Listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions: 噶迸滁循坟为湛绸梯叁镜宜的醇唯秧最拥癸向帽抠辣舱桔钎菠过觅广以惊8B unit8 Welcome to the unit8B unit8 Welcom


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