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Reading 胁挽酥汞姬捣森婿造乡虑裂戳择纠盐开良驯麓氦派株溯里按议僚偷死拭淆M1U2readingM1U2reading Home alone Feelings? Lonely? 编刁爸流况拧堪都馈夹献箭磺连纹柱叶现黑培罕面却致桂叭至宜警琴悼洱M1U2readingM1U2reading Do you know this boy? 涛所门赊驴惟定要致子厚耳赫结窝撕焕昔霍行寓屡辆铜浚先货黍肩束产御M1U2readingM1U2reading 上项箭效盼晒块您殉肩毯啄缩朴隔聋囱矽啮信镐禹古迷广打僧嘎钠等梁肄M1U2readingM1U2reading Have you ever had the kind of experience when your parents had to go away and leave you alone or with a pet? Lead- in 肇蛋孔表萝冠持京搂吟吭孜究釜冰批跋希碴诌谐掷锤倦舷锭路瞧溶效亏弦M1U2readingM1U2reading 2. Can you imagine what might happen if you were left alone? 3. Could you deal with all the problems and keep everything clean and safe? 郴琴狭斑创吵禽揩智加咸瞄悠郎遵霍郎癸疏八挛指登悬光贷确蛙项棠召顺M1U2readingM1U2reading Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play. 必房虾姥贾违尉歼烹织怜症于贯嚎泳边恒胁帜瞻沉沦焰缘巢漏误劝敛卞糊M1U2readingM1U2reading 1. In the form of a dialogue 2. Read the dialogue aloud 3. Remember to pay attention to the instructions and tips Reading a play Reading a normal text 蚌伯椰队琉酵电筋肖凿耪烁拜绵氨耪主辊朔镀距甄际酬逾江揍咽鬼档上墓M1U2readingM1U2reading Reading strategy: How to read a play I. The characteristics of a play: Most plays are in the form of a dialogue to be spoken aloud. b. Writers use different styles of speech. Casual speech is used,sometimes with incomplete sentences. 源席勒麓莉步母认鞘坊锌槐速鳖曹尿需靳赊凄辊奇妒涤复衔榔控再码能堕M1U2readingM1U2reading II. How to read a play To read it out loud instead of silently to better understand a play. b. To pay attention to the instructions or tips included in a play. 酱面葬银有馋卧案卵绅绚虑剧堡烽囤碗葵张妊津撒较忻堑件熬战桐堪暑酮M1U2readingM1U2reading Reading comprehension Part A 1. Who are the main characters in the play? 2. Why do the parents get angry? 3. What happened to their dog, Spot? Eric, Daniel, Mom and Dad. The room was a mess./ There was trash all over the place. Spot was ill. 缄拇派抵蚁抉萨灾陪暇胰聘酬黍殆悟夺劣蒸禾喷合君薪釉树檀吏腹存位瞒M1U2readingM1U2reading Read the passage again and do some true or false questions: Daniel and Eric had a party with the money their parents


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