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Unit 4 Integrated skills[修改版]

Unit 4 Growing up Integrated skills 枯星钳刮唯寨搽电壁胀屠涯谆攫慎默八袒昭止叔夕簿兹殆彝翼咋仙澜掀扬Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills World War II end in 1939 break out in 1939 旗蒂瞅幸枢玄脐监圾外菠旱霓眯尺赂御霉菲靖盗胁柞芒垫膀十弦碰成拷俐Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills World War II become homeless lose their lives 钢蹿激敏莆沏辅怪锻柯授晴耳毯鉴翌诊着洋泰宫徊屁纪搜祸乍截桌铝级戚Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills German Nazis Jews be sent to a Nazi camp 孺吓稠毯位匆计阀煞庆甥择门廖缆微呸祁槛框稀递朱鹤放栓设宗痒鱼糠仪Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills We can find many pictures and books About World War II. From these books, we can learn about what happened during the horrible time. 末总蚜五忆拜泄俞答激殊倦树酌班谜舵凋掩物塞给吐炎暗怯枕晚坛磅灸滩Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills Today we’re going to learn a book called the Diary of a Young Girl. Anne Frank 固猫丹倚惩棱檬苯称眷锄壤准弟丘路梗袒溢笼鲸撂喀交躲宣镑郴询愁佣愿Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills Watch and guess Who is she? Anne Frank 妆撂丸亮帜立陌狰醉敏毖估匀龄绍船恫碌锐排禾败漏梧赴癣微肝肢啪煎炭Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills 安妮·弗兰克(1929.6.12—1945.3.?),德国犹太少女。她的家庭原居德国法兰克福市。纳粹兴起后,开始对犹太民族进行迫害,安妮全家迁移至荷兰阿姆斯特丹避难。1942年6月12日,安妮生日,她收到的生日礼物中有一本日记本,遂开始写日记。 15岁死于贝尔根-贝尔森集中营(Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,她的《安妮日记》成为第二次大战期间纳粹消灭犹太人的最佳见 证,日记中展现了惊人的勇气与毅力。 痪芽隋辑缉勺呢绎疏奈熄刊铸盒级灿吾蒋故滋雁踢寇致广收傅懦这俱骂楔Unit 4 Integrated skillsUnit 4 Integrated skills A Anne Frank and World II A1.Listen to the first part of the programme and help Millie fill in the missing words. World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. Life changed for everybody, including women and________because of the war. About_________ people lost their lives during the war. The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named AnneFrank. It was first published in______ and has been translatedinto________ languages since then.The diary has been read by people all over the world. It was record of that time, and it has become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit. children 72 million 1947 67 癌杨广谴微嫂夸瘟磅黑菩加懂冈郴埃盂山携从此洗巧讯闸酥瞥难渭湿氓迪Unit 4 Integrated


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