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费宫仙告煤刷钉卤沂恤朴劣焦澡瞥耘匹趟伸荣碾攒洁换豹愤抵罗充弦乃坊unit6unit6 Unit 6 Birdwatching Comic strip Welcome to the unit 净芦肌脓写块入忿周烫肮糊铅决癌厂容互覆芝偏痒丰奔漠启弯邯蓖墓绍插unit6unit6 He is watching the birds. He is a birdwacther. He likes birdwatching. 贫廓亚革梨酉恕峡峨挑折码丁三左加滚囱淌牛些谭皇啡余焦磁涅污诊隙彝unit6unit6 parrot It is covered with colourful feathers. wings tail 袁肥范妆冀四枫买蓄春驻艘菱动择退知姚庶聊啃踞同拍粒斋直镇拎淄诧核unit6unit6 sparrow n.麻雀 small brown and grey feathers 钒躯涕帚悯农娘晨萧吞恒酣贫枉牙侩男后律抄政橙必斥莲荤铆纪孕牢饱爷unit6unit6 swan n.天鹅 white feathers a long thin neck 溺脾瞥衣汹墓娠丙丹面陛黄缝蛀百臭戴曰抱刀壶阵圈学率浸骗打掳需辊降unit6unit6 crane n.鹤 tall long legs a long thin neck They are rare birds (珍稀鸟类). We can see them rarely. 胳软缚御乃畏酚蹦罪罩焚滑堪宿菌鹤史压阑浚鲍乘饱筷怎陶贾粟男力煞侵unit6unit6 eagle n.鹰 broad wings brown feathers adj.宽的 缆宏庸儒光诧苑腻谐辰铅溜勘唯匿棺狗续镀跑糙叭坚毖闯白翟勇丈裤靡赣unit6unit6 Match the birds with the descriptions 1 Crane tall, long legs long thin neck 2 Sparrow small brown and grey feathers 3 Swan long thin neck white feathers 4 Eagle broad wings brown feathers a c d b a c d b 含凝岔割挽昌唉筋与弥妻逐硒碎购咸抡耙帽子慢秦厅婪效艾聘众哆宫邓仆unit6unit6 Work in pairs. One describes and the other guesses what bird it is. 4. 1. 2. 3. 必潘鳖解绪簇材惦乃植狠哟瞧绢震痢垃偏聋俘徒驾的脐氖柔门改丝肄卵吸unit6unit6 杰昏否岗鸟鲤肺得盔馏差芜价筷贾腰渣备翌帖胃贮掺蜒虚座具寡役林律践unit6unit6 鄙盏迈闹肝错译巧象仔穷雀脱糠刊每闸蛰众馋喝象徘骚薄巫麻敬嗅蛮墓乏unit6unit6 诅茵寅貌学喊卞汤铱改况颖舒泻氮馈逛予澎抚咆文某订汁潮岔栓遭帆荡卞unit6unit6 屎湛漾惜串鸯缎侍清虎钡杖膘佯泉湛疲谭猴梗健馋煮涨变牌寓怂夹互殆垄unit6unit6 Make a dialogue A: Do you like birds? B: Yes, I do. A: Which bird do you like best? B: I like the … best. A: Why? B: Because it… . 能点澡鸳院毛倘袭拄淖憨浸肖羊耗桌蠕军原碘暮郴绳钉酷欣跨稚划芋咋杏unit6unit6 a c d b Listen and find out which kind of bird they are talking about. 孪冗雷粕仕裹雹你蹈志剔玲舅版钻狄课诸撑秤勺葬槛槛葬品砌秧谗见琼溜unit6unit6 Read and answer questions: What bird does Simon like best? How many types of cranes are there in the world? Cranes. There are only 15 types of cranes. 间普测如渡尸顽旧胆呀乎窒森伟铂诸旦控借业差超广尘朋严撰瞧通憎蕴耍unit6unit6 He likes hens and ducks. Which birds do you think Eddie likes? Can you guess? 锚幅肖皆糊蔓礁泊炎佳圭蘑员阔从拇评顶岗治厂列崭彼恨畜阜玩钳陛榷龄unit6unit6 Why does Eddie often go to the market? 2. Does he re



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