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结构钢热轧制品—第6部分 淬火和回火条件下高屈服强度结构钢板材和宽扁材的交货技术条件 欧洲标准 EN10025-6:2004 英文标准 ICS 77.140.10;77.140.50 Content内容 Page Foreword前言4 1Scope 范围5 2 Normative references 参考标准5 2.1 General standards 一般标准5 2.2 Standards on dimensions and tolerances (see 7.7.1)尺寸和公差标准(见7.7.1)6 2.3 Standards on testing 试验标准6 3 Terms and definitions 术语和定义6 4 Classification and designation分类和名称6 4.1 Classification分类6 4.1.1 Main quality classes 主要性质种类6 4.1.2 Grades and qualities 等级和性质6 4.2 Designation 名称7 5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 买方提供的信息7 5.1 Mandatory information强制信息7 5.2 Options 选择权7 6 Manufacturing process 制造过程8 6.1 Steel making process炼钢过程8 6.2 Deoxidation or grain size 去氧或结晶粒子尺寸8 6.3 Delivery conditions交货条件8 7 Requirements 要求8 7.1 General一般的8 7.2 Chemical composition 化学成分8 7.3 Mechanical properties机械性能9 7.3.1 General一般的9 7.3.2 Impact properties冲击道具9 7.3.3 Improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface 表面变形改良垂直道具…………………………………………………………………………………9 7.4 Technological properties 技术道具…………………………………9 7.4.1 Weldability焊接性能9 7.4.2 Formability可模锻性10 7.4.3 Suitability for hot-dip zinc-coating热镀锌的合适性10 7.5 Surface properties 表面性质11 7.6 Internal soundness内部质量11 7.7 Tolerances on dimensions and shape, mass 尺寸,形状和体积的公差11 8 Inspection 验收11 8.1 General 一般的11 8.2 Type of inspection and inspection document 验收类型和验收文件11 8.3 Frequency of testing 试验频率 11 8.3.1 Sampling 取样11 8.3.2 Test units 试验单位12 8.3.3 Verification of chemical composition化学成分确认12 8.4 Tests to be carried out for specific inspection 特殊验收执行的实验12 9 Preparation of samples and test pieces 钢材取样准备12 9.1 Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis 化学分析取样准备和选择12 9.2 Location and orientation of samples and test pieces for mechanical tests 试样和样品机械测验位置和方位………………………………………………………………………13 9.2.1 General一般的13 9.2.2 Preparation of samples 样品准备13 9.2.3 Preparation of test pieces钢材取样的准备13 9.2.4 Impact test pieces 冲击钢材取样13 9.3 Identification of samples and test pieces 钢


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