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欧美日韩化妆品法规标准 以下法规标准仅供参考,请注意查询使用必威体育精装版规定。 1、美国联邦法典化妆品规定 法规/标准编号 中文名称 英文名称 21CFR1 总则 General Regulations 21CFR70 着色剂总则 Colors General 70.3 定义 Definitions. 70.5 着色剂使用的一般限定 General restrictions on use of color additives. 70.1 标准化食品和新药中的着色添加剂 Color additives in standardized foods and new drugs. 70.11 相关物质 Related substances. 70.19 清单 Fees for listing. 70.2 直接着色剂包装要求(染发剂除外) Packaging requirements for straight colors (other than hair dyes). 70.25 着色剂标签要求(染发剂除外) Labeling requirements for color additives (other than hair dyes). 70.4 需要考虑的安全 Safety factors to be considered. 70.42 着色剂安全评价标准 Criteria for evaluating the safety of color additives. 70.45 着色剂配置 Allocation of color additives. 21CFR73 允许使用的化妆品着色剂 Colors Exempt From Certification COSMETICS 73.1 食品中允许使用的调色添加剂 Diluents in color additive mixtures for food use exempt from certification. 73.3 胭脂树橙提取物 Annatto extract. 73.35 叶黄素 Astaxanthin. 73.4 脱水甜菜(甜菜粉末) Dehydrated beets (beet powder). 73.5 群青蓝 Ultramarine blue. 73.75 角黄素 Canthaxanthin. 73.85 焦糖 Caramel. 73.9 β-阿朴-8′-胡萝卜醛 β-Apo-8′-carotenal. 73.95 β-胡萝卜素 β-Carotene. 73.1 胭脂虫提取物;胭脂洋红 Cochineal extract; carmine. 73.125 叶绿素铜钠 Sodium copper chlorophyllin. 73.14 烘烤椰子粉 Toasted partially defatted cooked cottonseed flour. 73.16 葡萄糖酸铁 Ferrous gluconate. 73.165 乳酸铁 Ferrous lactate. 73.169 葡萄色素提取物 Grape color extract. 73.17 葡萄皮提出取物(依诺他滨) Grape skin extract (enocianina). 73.185 血色球菌海藻粉 Haematococcus algae meal. 73.2 合成铁氧化剂 Synthetic iron oxide. 73.25 果汁 Fruit juice. 73.26 蔬菜汁 Vegetable juice. 73.275 干海藻粉 Dried algae meal. 73.295 万寿菊粉和提取物 Tagetes (Aztec marigold) meal and extract. 73.3 胡萝卜油 Carrot oil. 73.315 玉米胚油 Corn endosperm oil. 73.34 红辣椒 Paprika. 73.345 辣椒红色素 Paprika oleoresin. 73.35 云母钛珠光颜料 Mica-based pearlescent pigments. 73.355 法夫酵母 Phaffia yeast. 73.45 核黄素 Riboflavin 73.5 藏红花 Saffron. 73.575 二氧化钛 Titanium dioxide. 73.585 番茄红素提取物,番茄红素浓缩物 Tomato lycopene extract; tomato lycopene concentrate. 73.6 姜黄 Turmeric. 73.615 姜黄油性树脂 Turmeric ole


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