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Did you just be yourself , but there was always someone who wants to find fault with you ?
How to protect ourselves?
Wear conservatively
Don’t make up
Don’t be beautiful
Male ChauvinisT直男癌
The difference between the Masculist and Male Chauvinist
The Masculist is a kind of men who based on the male identity mandatorily give themselves the obligation.
The Male Chauvinist is a kind of men who based on the male identity mandatorily give themselves the right.
What I want to clarify is that the Male Chauvinist is nothing about any
beauty-appreciation, limited speech, or the ability of guessing what the girls want.
Superior to women
Restrain the social contact of his girl friend
The value of women is to give birth to children and to comply with men
Female chauvinist直女癌
first type
① boy√ girl × ② blind follower
Second type
①looks ugly and have princess syndrome
②I smoke, drunk, fight with others, have tattoos, hang around in the night clubs but I am a good girl.
③Considering all the beautiful, fashion and popular girl as Green Tea Bitch.
④Has no fault in emotional world, men are always wrong.
⑤All men who doesn’t accept non-virgin are male chauvinist.
You are a girl,what are you doing going overseas?
As men get older they get more and more desirable.Women after 25start to lose their charm.
Educating women is useless,they should get married ASAP.
Accident on the road?Its a woman!
Apply labels to others is offensive.
female chauvinist
male chauvinist
Indeed,many people dont practice gender equality.
We should support feminism in correct way.
It is an approach to achieving gender equality.
What is Feminism?
Feminism refers to movements aims at establishing and defending equal political,economic and social rights and equal oppotunities for woman.
Achievements of Feminism
Both man and woman can vote.
Both men and woman can be educated.
Women are performing better and better.
But ...
there is still a long way to go
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