
基于matlab的自动控制原理虚拟实验平台开发 学位论文.doc

基于matlab的自动控制原理虚拟实验平台开发 学位论文.doc

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基于matlab的自动控制原理虚拟实验平台开发 学位论文

本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(或设计) (申请学士学位) 论文题目 基于MATLAB的自动控制原理虚拟实验 平台开发 基于关键词 Virtual Experiment Platform Development of Automatic Control Principe Based on MATLAB Abstract: Automatic control theory is a very important professional basic course of automation major in engineering colleges.With the rapid development of modern science and the industrialization of technology and human society , automatic control theory and technology has been applied in the field of high technology, robot, aerospace, nuclear energy and other environmental governance research more widely, which has become an integral part of human society and life.In the theoretical study, the theory is too abstract,which brings a lot of inconvenience to the modern teaching and learning. The the related experimental courses and theory take many analysis and demonstration, which greatly enhance the students understanding of the theory of automatic control.Due to the experimental resources, simple facilities, instrument error and other reasons, the traditional experimental teaching impact the implementation of teaching.We study the principle of automatic control of the virtual experiment platform based on graphical user interface designed in MATLAB, which not only improves the efficiency of experiment teaching and the accuracy of the experiment, but also greatly enhance the enthusiasm of students and the ability to deal with problems. Keywords: Automatic Control Theory ,MATLAB ,Virtual Experimental Platform ,GUI 1 绪论 1.1 本文研究背景 对于大学生而言自动控制原理是大学阶段的自动控制工程、机器自动控制操作、物流设备工程等专业的重要的专业基础课程,涉及到自动控制系统的模型建立、系统分析、系统设计的相关基本理论和相关技术设计。它的典型特点是概念比较抽象,数字含量巨大,计算相当复杂,从而导致学生比较难于理解和消化,实验是理解和消化相关课程内容的非常重要的途径。目前相当多的大学高校的实验教学仍处于传统模拟实验阶段,通过利用集成封闭的传统实验箱,将相应的有源网络模块整个连接成了典型环节和系统,然后施加典型信号,通过示波器仔细观察实验结果。然而对于这种实验方法仍存在明显不足,比如说(1)实验室的实验箱集成度很高,从而让学生对实验目的和实验计划出现盲目性,所以很容易导致损坏仪器设备。(2)学生的理论性知识和实验动手操作是互相分开的,导致了学生缺乏主动性学习和创造性性学习。(3)因为元件的非线性等一些元素,导致了实验结果与理论知识差异较大,相距甚远。 为了改变这种现象,我们通过利用MATLAB中


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