
基于pc机的网络型温度采集系统的研究 毕业设计 .doc

基于pc机的网络型温度采集系统的研究 毕业设计 .doc

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基于pc机的网络型温度采集系统的研究 毕业设计

河南科技学院 2015届本科毕业论文(设计) 基于 PC机的网络型温度采集系统的研究 学生姓名: 董春林 所在院系: 机电学院 所学专业: 应用电子技术教育 导师姓名:付广春 完成时间:2015 年 4 月 28 日 摘 要 本设计主要针对基于 PC机的网络型温度采集系统的研究,该系统可用于对 室内温度的监控,单片机采集到数据后可以通过网络实时的传输给上位机。网络 是时下最火的名词,物联网有很大可能将是未来的一种发展趋势,嵌入式产品连 入 Internet,在今后必然是个愈演愈烈的趋势,本设计采用单片机与 PC 上位机的 网络通信。本系统所使用的 MCU是 STC89C52单片机,网络模块采用的是 W5500 芯片,它是一种全硬件的 TCP/IP芯片,不会占用 MCU过多的 RAM和 ROM空 间,很适用于 8 位单片机。由于要采集温度,所以用了 DS18B20温度传感器。 当上位机采集到的温度比较高或者低时,可以通过上位机发送 AT指令来控制制 冷设备的运行或停止。另外本系统还可以用手机上位机终端实时的观测温度,并 发送指令来控制制冷设备的运行和停止。 关键词:STC89C52单片机,上位机 ,物联网,温度 Abstract This design mainly aims at the research of network of temperature acquisition system based on PC, the system can be used for monitoring of the indoor temperature, single chip microcomputer collected data through the network real-time transmission to the host computer. The network is among the most fire, the Internet of things is very likely will be a future trend of development, embedded products connected to the Internet, in the future must be a growing trend, this design is the use of network communication between SCM and PCs PC. This system uses the MCU STC89C52 chip, the network module uses W5500 chip, it is a kind of TCP/IP chip hardware, not occupy too much MCU RAM and ROM space, it is applicable to the 8 bit single chip microcomputer. Due to the acquisition of temperature, so the use of DS18B20 temperature sensor. When the host computer to collect temperature is high or low, can stop to control the refrigeration equipment through the host computer to send AT commands operation or. In addition the system can also use mobile phone PC terminal real-time observations of temperature, and send commands to control the start and stop of refrigeration equipment. Keywords:STC89C52, Upper Machine, The Internet Of Things, Temperature 目 录 1 绪论 ......................................................................................................................


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