
基于plc的霓虹灯控制系统的设计 毕业设计 .doc

基于plc的霓虹灯控制系统的设计 毕业设计 .doc

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基于plc的霓虹灯控制系统的设计 毕业设计

摘 要 随着国家的不断改革与发展,市场经济的不断繁荣和进步,各大城市都在进行亮化工程。各大中小企业为了宣传自己的企业产品,基本上均采用霓虹灯广告屏来作为广告手法。每当夜晚,城市里的霓虹灯绝对是一大亮点,它点燃了城市的灵魂与希望。道路两旁的霓虹灯广告牌随处可见,各色各样,十分好看和吸引人。在给它们配上大型的广告语和宣传画,使人一目了然,印象深刻。这些霓虹灯的亮灭,闪烁时间的长短和灯光流动的方向等等都可以通过PLC来达到控制要求。如何快捷,可靠,简单的去达到控制的目的,是人们考虑的重点。而PLC控制系统无疑是最适合的。因为PLC具有通用性强,使用方便,适应面广,可靠性强,抗干扰能力强,编程简单易懂等特点。并且PLC在工业自动化控制特别是顺序控制中的地位,也 ABSTRACT With the reform and development of the country, rising prosperity and progress of market economy, big cities are in the rope. Each medium enterprises to promote their own products, basically all use neon advertising screen for advertising. Whenever the night, the city of neon lights is definitely a highlight, it lit the city soul with hope. Neon signs on both sides of the road can be seen everywhere, various, is very nice and attractive. In them with large slogans and propaganda, make the person be clear at a glance, impressive. Length of destroy the light of the neon lights, flashing lights and the direction of the flow and so on can be controlled by the PLC to achieve the requirements. How fast, reliable, easy to achieve the purpose of control, is the focal point that people consider. The PLC control system is undoubtedly the most appropriate. Because PLC has strong commonality, use convenient, adaptation of wide, reliability and anti-interference ability strong, programming of simple features. And PLC in industrial automation control especially sequence control, also cant replace. In real life, people also are mostly by PLC to control the neon. Keywords: Siemens S7-200; Rope; The neon lights; Blessing of ya an 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 III 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题的研究意义 1 1.2 课题霓虹灯的起源 1 1.3 课题的发展与现状 2 第2章 霓虹灯的PLC控制系统总体设计方案 3 2.1 霓虹灯的PLC控制系统设计概况 3 2.1.1 毕业设计的基本要求与主要内容 4 2.1.2 霓虹灯的外观图 4 2.1.3 霓虹灯的闪烁变化过程 5 2.2 PLC控制系统功能图概念及构成规则 5 2.2.1 霓虹灯的PLC系统设计结构框图 6 2.2.2 霓虹灯PLC控制系统的程序流程图 7 第3章 霓虹灯控制系统的硬件设计 9 3.1 霓虹灯的硬件设计 9 3.1.1 霓虹灯的特点 9 3.1.2 霓虹灯的选型 10 3.2 PLC的选型 11 3.2.1 PLC的工作原理 11 3.2.2 PLC的特点和应用领域 12 3.2.3 S7-200系列的PLC选择 13 3.3


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