
基于web的人事工资管理系统设计 毕业设计 .doc

基于web的人事工资管理系统设计 毕业设计 .doc

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基于web的人事工资管理系统设计 毕业设计

摘 要 随着社会的全面发展,作为公共资源管理部门的人员数量也在不断增加,人才结构也不断细化,人事管理工作所要处理的信息也在飞速增长,企业的人事工资管理也越来越多的采用计算机技术来实施。相对于大型企业,中小型企业员工较少,对于工资管理系统的复杂要求相对较低。但在人事管理方面存在管理混乱、效率较低、容易出错等问题,设计一款适合中小型企业人事管理系统尤为重要。 企业人事资源管理系统是基于WEB的办公自动化管理系统,该系统采用WINDOWSXP以上系列操作系统作为开发和运行平台,采用JSP作为web架构,MYSQL作为后台数据库管理系统,系统整体架构基于B/S模式,用IE浏览器作为客户端工具实现与用户交互,其中JSP主要用于页面显示和实现具体事务处理模型,JDBC实现连接数据库,传递用户请求到后台数据库管理系统并返回数据库处理结果,后台数据库实现系统数据存储。 该系统主要实现了系统管理、人事管理、工资管理等几大主要功能,针对个功能模块都有相应的业务处理逻辑与其对应。其中系统管理实现系统的角色分配、角色更改、登录验证等,人事管理实现员工基本信息的录入、更改以及查询;工资管理实现工资的录入、工资调整及工资查询等业务功能。 关键字:人事工资管理系统;人事管理;工资管理;B/S模式 Abstract With the overall development of society, as a public resource management sector has steadily increased the number of personnel, personnel structure continuously refined, personnel management of the rapid growth in information, personnel-wage management of enterprises is also increasing use of computer technology to implement. Relative to large enterprises, small and medium enterprise employees less, for salary management systems complex requirements are relatively low. But exists in human resources management problems of mismanaged, inefficient, error-prone, to design a personnel management system is especially important for SMEs. Enterprise human resources management system is based on a WEB of Office Automation management system, the system uses the WINDOWSXP or above operating system as a platform for developing and running, using JSP as a Web framework,MYSQL as the backend database management system, the overall architecture of the system is based on b/s Mode, IE browser as client tools to interact with the user, and JSP for main page display and implementation specific processing model,JDBC connection to the database, pass the user request to the back-end database management system and returns the database results, background and implementation of database system of data storage. This system is mainly for systems management, personnel management, payroll management and other major features, for a function module has a


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