
基于安卓平台开发的移动应用用药指南 毕业设计 .doc

基于安卓平台开发的移动应用用药指南 毕业设计 .doc

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基于安卓平台开发的移动应用用药指南 毕业设计

摘要 在日常的生活中,疾病是我们每个人不可避免会发生的一件事。由于药物具有两重性,一方面可以治疗疾病,另一方面也可能产生不良反应,因此安全、合理用药是非常重要的。本应用是基于安卓平台开发的,以java语言为基础,从合理、安全用药的实际情况出发,在了解用户需求的基础上,提出了为用户提供用药指南的基本目标,并且实现了根据病症找药和相关药物的使用说明以及病症特征的具体介绍,帮助用户提供用药指导,使用户能够更合理、安全的用药。本文首先对Android的研究意义,技术简介以及开发环境进行介绍,然后就应用的需求进行一定的分析,设计出应用的流程和实现模块,最后运用Android技术实现应用的开发,给出应用的效果图,具体介绍了应用的各个功能模块的设计特点和具体的实现方法。通过程序的设计,了解到程序中设计的不足,最后做出总结。 关键字:界面布局,ListView图文混排,异步网络请求数据,数据解析,数据库设计 Abstract In daily life, disease is unavoidable each of us one of the things will happen. Because the drug has duality, on the one hand, can cure diseases, on the other hand can also cause adverse reactions, so it is very important to safe and rational drug use. This application is based on the android platform development, on the basis of the Java language, starting from the actual situation of reasonable, safe drug use, on the basis of the understanding of user needs, put forward to provide the basic purpose of medication guide, and implements according to conditions for medicine and instructions on the use of the drugs and disease characteristics, the detailed introduction of help the user to provide guidelines, enables users to a more reasonable, safe drug use. This article first significance to the research of Android, introduces the technology introduction and development environment, and then makes a certain analysis of application requirements, design the application process and the implementation of the module, the last use of Android technology application development, application effect is given, and concretely introduces the design characteristics of the application of each function module and the concrete implementation method. Through the design program, learned in the program design, finally make a summary. Key words: interface layout, ListView by mixed, asynchronous network request data, data analysis, database design 目录 1 引言 1 1.1 课题研究意义 1 1.2 技术简介 1 1.3 国内外研究情况 2 1.4 开发工具安装 2 2 需求分析和总体设计 4 2.1 需求分析 4 2.2 功能模块设计 5 2.3 总体框架设计和实现方法 5 3


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