
计算机网络技术校园网设计与实现 学位论文.doc

计算机网络技术校园网设计与实现 学位论文.doc

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计算机网络技术校园网设计与实现 学位论文

毕业设计(论文) 广雅中学校园网设计与实现 院 (系): 信 息 工 程 系 2007年4月 摘 要 校园网是为学校师生提供教学、科研和综合信息服务的宽带多媒体网络。它应为学校教学、科研提供先进的信息化教学环境,这就要求:校园网是一个宽带、具有交互功能和专业性很强的局域网络;多媒体教学软件开发平台、多媒体演示教室、教师备课系统、电子阅览室以及教学、考试资料库、网上图书馆等,都可以通过网络运行工作。享ABSTRACT Campus network is to provide teachers and students of teaching, research and integrated information services broadband multimedia networks. It should be school teaching, scientific research and provide advanced information technology teaching and learning environment, which requires : campus network is a broadband, a world of highly functional and professional local area network;Multimedia teaching software development platforms, multimedia presentation classrooms, teachers preparing lessons systems, electronic library and teaching, examination database, online library, can operate through the network. Campus network is the emergence of a revolutionary traditional education, it changed the traditional teaching mode and backward teaching techniques, adapted to the needs of the new century quality education.In order to adapt to the development trend of information technology education. content and teaching methods for achieving educational change and modernization。campus network into a school for basic education informatization inevitable trend. All 67 secondary schools will be integrated network Guangzhou construction of the campus network-building needs analysis, the campus network-building objectives and network design requirements, programme design, network equipment models, for a more detailed analysis and description. Keyword: creation technology, the campus network, share resources, following the design of the integrated wiring system 前 言 “科教兴国”是保证我国能够长期、稳定、高速发展的战略国策,教育信息化是达成该战略国策的重要手段之一,因此教育信息化工作受到了国家各级教育主管部门的高度重视。从几年前的教育主干网-CerNET的建设,到“211工程”的开展,标志着我国教育信息化建设进入了高速发展的阶段,至今已取得丰硕的成果。在我国相对发达及中等发达地区,高等教育的网络建设已接近完成,不少高等院校已开始对其校园网络进行改造升级。在我国东部、南部较为发达地区,基础教育网络建设已达到相当规模。在其他教育领域,如职业教育、师范教育、成人教育及终身继续教育等,



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