
建筑中的天然采光 以体育馆为例 学位论文.doc

建筑中的天然采光 以体育馆为例 学位论文.doc

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建筑中的天然采光 以体育馆为例 学位论文

目录 摘要,关键词………………………………………………………………………2 ……………………………………………………………………………2 体育馆与自然光………………………………………………………………3 体育馆自然采光要求…………………………………………………………3 4. 天然采光中常用的新型建筑材料与构造……………………………………5 5. 体育馆建筑天然采光的一般方式、方法……………………………………7 6. 结语……………………………………………………………………………10 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………11 建筑中的天然采光 —— 以体育馆为例 摘要:体育馆传统上是以比赛作为主要用途,但随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,体育馆的使用功能趋于多样性,白天的使用率越来越高由于过去体育馆在建筑设计时对自然采光认识的不足,导致现行很多体育馆白天的自然光照效果不能满足群众日常训练和非正式比赛的需要,白天也要如夜晚正常开灯照明,导致能源消耗过大体育馆在白天不开灯的情况下,通过自然采光便能满足普通训练和非正式比赛的光环境要求,节约能源并促进体育馆的可持续性发展Abstract: Traditionally, as the stadium is the main purpose of the game, but with the improvement of social development and peoples living standards, the use of the stadium function tends diversity, the growing use of daytime Stadium in architectural design in the past when natural lighting lack of knowledge, leading to a lot of natural lighting effect current stadium does not meet the needs of the masses during the day daily training and informal competitions, but also during the day as normal lights illuminated at night, resulting in excessive energy consumption, do not try to make the stadium lights in daytime under the circumstances, by the light of natural light can meet the environmental requirements of ordinary training and informal competition, save energy and promote sustainability Stadium In response to energy conservation, low-carbon life. Reduce the waste of energy, full use of natural light is a good way. This paper describes the design of light environment needed for the stadium and lighting forms part of the material. Key words:Stadium light demand, lighting materials, top lighting, side lighting. 1.前言 自然采光设计,就是要根据自然光线照度变化大、光谱丰富以及与室外景致有机联系在一起的特点,向室内居住者提供天气气候变化、时间变化、光线方向和强弱变化以及各种动态信息所形成白天室内自然时空环境之感。利用自然采光可在室内创造富有情感和优美意境的环境,这是极富生命力的室内装饰。自然光线是房间照明最为经济、极为宜人的光源,合理利用各种窗户,可以达到良好的装饰效果。比如,水平窗可使人感到舒展开阔,垂直窗使人犹如从室内观看条屏挂幅式构图景物。落地窗不但能增加房间明亮程度,并与室内外浑然一体之感觉 图1 光源位置对眩光的影响 3.眩光控制 眩光是一种视觉条


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