
金银花清咽果冻的研制 毕业设计 .doc

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金银花清咽果冻的研制 毕业设计

摘 要 本论文采用乙醇回流提取法提取金花中绿原酸,通过正交验确定了当料液比为1:,乙醇浓度为0%,提取温度为0℃,提取时间为时绿原酸的率最高;关键词:金银花;绿原酸;; The study of honeysuckle pharynx jelly Abstract T Throat is a special organ, which is infected by bacterium easily. And it is often easy to inflame because of catch cold, tired and upper respiratory tract infection. So it is important to develop a functional food that has the function of clearing pHarynx. Honeysuckle is a “drug homologous food” plant that was ruled by the department of health. It is also honoured as a kind of medicine that can clear heat and detoxicat. In this experiment, honeysuckle is selected as the main raw material to extract chlorogenic acid that is the functional composition of clearing pHarynx. Then a kind of jelly that can clear pHarynx was prepared. In this paper, the chlorogenic acid of Honeysuckle was extracted by the method of alcohol backflow. The maximum extraction efficiency of chlorogenic acid was 5.43mg/g, which was determined by orthogonal experiment. And the optimal conditions were material liquid ratio of 1:20, the ethanol concentration of 70%, the extracting temperature of 60℃ and the extracting time of 60 minutes. Then the optimal formula of the jelly was determined, which were adhesive compound of 1%, white granulated sugar of 14%, citric acid of 0.14%, Calcium lactate of 0.06% and potassium sorbate of 0.05%. Finally, the function of clearing pHarynx about the jelly was concluded by bacteriostasis test and human test. So the jelly is not only convenient to eat, but also has the function of clearing pHarynx. It well prevent the throat disorders effectively and have a vast potential for future development. Keywords: Honeysuckle;chromogenic acid;Orthogonal experiment;jelly 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 1文献综述 1 1.1前言 1 1.2金银花概述 2 1.2.1金银花的化学成分 2 1.2.2金银花的药理作用 3 1.3绿原酸概述 4 1.3.1绿原酸结构和化学性质 4 1.3.2绿原酸的生物药理作用 5 1.3.3绿原酸的生物合成 7 1.3.4绿原酸的清咽保健原理 7 1.4天然产物活性成分提取概述 7 1.4.1溶剂提取法及其原理 8 1.4.2连续回流提取法简介 8 1.5果冻概述 8 1.5.1果冻简介 8 1.5.



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