
局域网下的java聊天软件 毕业设计 .doc

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局域网下的java聊天软件 毕业设计

摘要 随着互联网的迅猛的发展,网络逐渐成了人们获取信息的主要途径。做为传统的信息交流工具e-mail,因为其发送和接受消息时间相对滞后的缘故,不能满足人们迅速获取信息的要求。即时通讯应运而生,为大众提供了一种崭新的综合的信息交流平台。即时通讯不同于传统的通讯工具e-mail,在于它的交流是实时的,使得人们交流更加便捷和快速,满足了人们迅速获取信息的需求,以深受大众的喜爱,有着很好的发展前景。其中聊天软件就是即时通讯的具体实现。 本系统建立在JAVA平台上,系统的设计使用了面向对象技术和面向对象的设计原则。系统采用C/S结构,客户端与客户端以及客户端与服务器端之间通过Socket传送消息。使用JAVA语言编写,开发工具采用Eclipse。服务器端设计与实现过程中,采用了多线程技术,可以在单个程序当中同时运行多个不同的线程,执行不同的任务。大大增强了程序对服务器资源的利用。 关键字:多线程;客户机/服务器;java;socket;eclipse Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, the network gradually becomes the main way for people to obtain information. As the traditional information communication tool e-mail, because of the relative lag of the sending and receiving messages of time reasons, cannot satisfy people quick access to information requirements. Im emerge as the times require, provides a new integrated information exchange platform for the public. Unlike traditional instant messaging communication tool e-mail, the exchange is that it is a real-time, makes people communicate more convenient and fast, satisfying the people quick access to information needs, so loved by the public, has a good development foreground. Concrete realization is instant messaging chat software. The system built on the JAVA platform, the system design using object-oriented technology and object-oriented design principles. System uses the C / S structure, client and client-side and server-side client and send messages through Socket. The use of JAVA language, development tools using Eclipse. Design and Implementation of server-side process, the use of multi-threading technology, which can process in a single run at the same time a number of different threads, the implementation of different tasks. Procedures greatly enhanced the use of server resources. Keywords: multiple threads ; client/server ; Java ; socket ; Eclipse. 目 录 1 绪论 3 1.1聊天软件开发背景 3 1.2 Java语言 3 1.2.1 Java的发展历史 3 1.2.2 Java的特点 4 1.2.3 Java与Internet 5 1.3 Socket编程 6 1.3.1 关于TCP/IP协议 6 1.3.2 服务器和客户机 6 2 需求分析 7 2.1可行性分析 7 2.2系



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