
菊苣根中黄酮的提取工艺 毕业设计 .doc

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菊苣根中黄酮的提取工艺 毕业设计

摘要 菊苣为多年生草本植物,广泛分布亚洲、美洲醇浓度%,提取时间,比为对影响最大的是和,其次是菊苣 Abstract Chicory is the perennial herb, mainly from Europe, now widely distributed in Asia, the America. Chicory root contains protein, carbohydrates, fats, flavonoids, cellulose and other nutrients, high flavonoid content, flavonoids are a class of phenolic compounds, benzene chromone ring has hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, diuretic and other effects. With the method of single factor experiments, this experiment applied ultrasonic ethanol extraction and hot water reflux extraction method flavonoids, by changing the extraction temperature, ethanol concentration, extraction time and liquid to solid ration in chicory root extract obtained under UV spectrophotometer measured absorbance by the absorbance, the results shows that hot water reflux extraction method obtained a higher flavonoid content, and final optimized conditions for extracting flavonoids was established, extracted 2.5 hours on 80℃, ethanol concentration 70% and solid to liquid ration 1:20. Then the orthogonal experiment to optimize the hot water reflux extraction method, and get to influence the flavonoid content is the extraction temperature and ethanol concentration, followed by the extraction time, solid to liquid ratio, the flavonoid content is 7.74mg / g under this optimum conditions. Keywords: chicory root;flavone;extract;orthogonality 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文献综述 3 2.1 菊苣的简介 3 2.1.1菊苣叶简介 3 2.1.2 菊苣根简介 4 2.2 总黄酮的简介 5 2.2.1 总黄酮的理化性质 5 2.2.2 总黄酮的功效成分 5 2.2.3总黄酮的营养价值 6 2.3菊苣根中总黄酮的提取方法 7 2.3.1超声波乙醇提取法 7 2.3.2乙醇回流提取法 8 2.3.3 微波辅助提取法 8 2.3.4 超临界提取法 8 2.3.5 加速溶剂提取法 9 2.4 菊苣根中总黄酮的测定方法 9 2.4.1亚硝酸钠-硝酸铝-氢氧化钠比色法 9 2.4.2紫外分光光度法 9 2.4.3高效液相色谱法 10 2.5 菊苣根总黄酮的研究目的与意义 10 2.5.1 菊苣根总黄酮的研究目的 10 2.5.2 菊苣根总黄酮的研究意义 10 第三章 实验部分 12 3.1 实验样品 12 3.2 实验仪器与试剂 12 3.2.1实验仪器 12 3.2.2 实验试剂 12 3.3 实验方法 13 3.3.1 菊苣根中总黄酮提取工艺 13 3.3.2 菊苣根中总黄酮提取机理 13 3.3.3 芦丁标准曲线 14 3.3.4 菊苣根中总黄酮提取方法 15 3.3.5 总黄酮的测定—分光光度法 16 第四章 结果与讨论 17 4.1 芦丁标准曲线的


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