
库拉索芦荟中多糖的提取及含量的测定 毕业设计 .doc

库拉索芦荟中多糖的提取及含量的测定 毕业设计 .doc

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库拉索芦荟中多糖的提取及含量的测定 毕业设计

摘 要 芦荟是一种多肉质地常绿草本植物,并且是一种营养丰富的蔬菜,被联合国粮农组织誉它为21世纪人类最佳的保健品之一。国际食品法典将其列为蔬菜。随着近年来科学的不断发展对芦荟的研究也不断深入,芦荟含有多种活性成分,通过不同的机制对人体产生多种生功能,如能够促进伤口愈合、抗菌、降血糖、抗癌和抗病毒等一些生理功能。其中对芦荟的重要成分芦荟多糖的研究也到了一个新的领域,芦荟多糖有抗肿瘤、抗氧化、免疫调节、抗病毒、抗辐射等方面的活性功能。本文进行的是库拉所芦荟多糖的提取和含量的测定,本实验主要采取的是水提法进行芦荟多糖的提取关键字:芦荟多糖;紫外分光广度法;正交实验法 Aloe is a succulent evergreen herb, and a nutrient-rich vegetables, FAO reputation for it mankind in the 21st century the best health care products . Codex Alimentarius take it as vegetables.With the deepening of continuous development in recent years, scientific research on aloe vera has very deeply, aloe vera has many active ingredients, a variety of biological functions of the human body through different mechanisms, such as the ability to promote wound healing, antibacterial, hypoglycemic, anti-cancer and anti-viruses and other physiological function. Important component of aloe polysaccharide of the Aloe to a new field, and aloe polysaccharides have anti-tumor, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-virus, anti-radiation and other aspects of the activity function. This article is the Kula the aloe polysaccharide extraction and content determination, and to optimize the extraction process to water extraction and ethanol precipitation method by the orthogonal experiment. Mainly adopted in this experiment is the extraction of water extraction and alcohol precipitation aloe polysaccharides, and France serey deproteinized decolorized with activated carbon, the polysaccharide extracted with phenol sulfuric acid by ultraviolet spectrophotometry aloe polysaccharide determination.Mention and the water temperature, the concentration of alcohol precipitation of solid to liquid ratio of orthogonal experimental factors orthogonal experiment, Polysaccharide of Aloe vera whole plant extraction conditions for the extraction times of 2, the extraction time was 2h, the expected ratio of 1:10, extraction temperature 90 ℃, 80% concentration of the alcohol precipitation, alcohol precipitationtime o



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