
矿用新型无烟无卤橡套软电缆的研究 毕业设计 .doc

矿用新型无烟无卤橡套软电缆的研究 毕业设计 .doc

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矿用新型无烟无卤橡套软电缆的研究 毕业设计

矿用新型无烟无卤橡套软电缆的研究 摘要 随着我国采煤业的发展,逐步带动了大批的机械加工制造业及相关产业链。相关资料显示,矿用电缆是采煤业机械不可缺少的重要配套产品,是传递信息、输送电能和制造各种电机、电器、仪表不可缺少的基础器材。几乎从超高压输电线路到各种微电机的各个环节都离不开矿用电缆。随着我国经济发展和消费市场的逐步扩大,国内煤炭企业对矿用电缆的需求也不断增长必将强劲拉动矿用电缆行业的市场增长,给矿用电缆行业带来难得的市场机遇,预计今后这种趋势仍将继续。 本文分析了电线电缆火灾的成因和危害;简要介绍了无烟无卤阻燃橡套电缆料的发展现状和方向;重点介绍了无烟无卤阻燃橡胶电缆料的配方研究;对无烟无卤电缆料进行大量实验以获得更好的阻燃性能,例如ATH,LDHs,TCP对EVM的燃烧性的影响;根据实验得出的数据对无烟无卤橡套电缆进行设计,设计型号为MYWPTJ—8.7/10KV 3×185+3×70/3+3×2.5,并分析了该产品的试制情况。提出了阻燃剂的无卤化、抑烟和低毒是当前和今后电线电缆阻燃研究领域的前沿课题,但在阻燃电缆的应用上还需进一步深入研究。 关键词 无卤;阻燃;燃烧性 Mining new smokeless halogen-free,rubber set soft cable research Abstract Step by step with the development of coal industry in our country, a large number of machinery manufacturing industry and related industrial chain.Relevant data shows, the mine cable is the indispensable important coal mining machinery products, is passing information, transmission power and manufacturing all kinds of motor, electrical equipment, instrument of the indispensable foundation. Almost from all aspects of ultra-high voltage transmission lines to all kinds of micro-motor is inseparable from the mine cable. Along with our country economy development and widening consumer market, the domestic coal enterprises is also growing demand for mine cable will be a strong pull the mine cable industry market growth, bring a rare opportunity to mine cable industry, is expected this trend will continue in the future. This paper analyzes the causes and harm of wire and cable fire; This paper briefly introduces the smoke-free halogen-free flame retardant rubber cable materials development present situation and direction; Introduced a smoke-free halogen-free flame retardant rubber cable compound recipe; Smokeless halogen-free cable materials for a large number of experiments in order to obtain better flame retardant performance, such as ATH, LDHs, TCPs influence on the combustibility of EVM entry; According to the experiment data of smokeless halogen-free, rubber sets of cables to carry on the design, the design



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