
论纳兰性德词职业学院 学位论文.doc

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论纳兰性德词职业学院 学位论文

信阳职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目:论纳兰性德词 所属系别:语言传媒系 专业班级:小学语文教育小教二班 姓 名:XXX 学 号:XXXXXXX 指导老师:XXX 摘 要 纳兰性德,清代著名的词作家之一,他的词集深受人们的喜爱,其词风格清新隽秀、哀感顽艳,充满着人生感悟,对后世影响深远,被国学大师王国维评价为:“北宋以来,一人而已”。本论文通过对纳兰性德一生不同阶段的经历分析,将纳兰性德的词分为爱情词、边塞词,友谊词三部分。纳兰性德的爱情词多描写的是关于妻子卢氏,卢氏生前两人夫妻恩爱,美满婚姻的生活,以及卢氏去世后对卢氏的悼念。纳兰性德的边塞词内容丰富,展现了不同的感受与体会。立身关外触目所及的古战场,铁血戎装浴血奋战的战场,充满了哀叹兴亡之感;边塞生活的艰苦、孤寂抒发了对家乡亲人的无限思念;在一个个难眠的夜晚纳兰性德或午夜惊起、或披衣独坐、或独自感伤、或梦回难眠,这些构成了词人边塞生活的独特感受,笔墨所及无不感人至深。纳兰性德的友谊词,在本文中主要写了一首与好友梁汾的交契,这首词深情地表明了作者与顾梁汾相见恨晚、相互知心的友情,抒发了其对才士贤人不幸遭际的同情与不平。 关键词:纳兰性德,爱情词,边塞词,友谊词 ,思念 Abstract Nalan Xingde, one of the famous Ci writers in Qing Dynasty, his word set loved by the people, his style is fresh and beautiful, very touching, full of life, far-reaching impact on future generations, is Ancient Chinese Literature Search master Wang Guowei evaluation: since the Northern Song Dynasty, only one person. In this paper, through the analysis of the different stages of his life experience, will the Nalanxingde words into love word, frontier words, three words of friendship. Nalanxingde love word description is about the wife of Lushi, Lushis two people conjugal love, marriage life, and after the death of Lushi to Lushi memorial. The frontier CI Nalanxingde rich content, display and experience different feeling. The ancient battlefield conduct outside the workaday, predator who fight a bloody battle of the battlefield, with that sense of rise and fall; the frontier life difficult, lonely to express infinite yearning for home; in a night of sleep, or Chlamydia Nalanxingde or midnight started alone, or sad, or dreaming sleep alone, these constitute the unique experience of poet frontier life, ink and without touching. Nalanxingde words of friends


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