
论文高中数学课堂观察研究 毕业设计 .doc

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论文高中数学课堂观察研究 毕业设计

硕士专业学位论文 论文题目 高中数学课堂观察研究 研 究 生 姓 名 吴建琴 指导教师姓名 卢丹诚 专 业 名 称 教育硕士 研 究 方 向 学科教学(数学) 论文提交日期 2013 年 10 月 高中数学课堂观察研究 中文摘要 高中数学课堂观察研究 中文摘要 当前,普通高中新课程改革不断渗透和强调着“学生是教育的主体,是课堂教 学的主体”的理念。于是,作为落实新课程理念的高中数学课堂教学的研究成为了当 代教育研究的热点和方向,而课堂观察作为研究课堂教学是否有效的方法之一,也顺 理成章的受到学校和教师们的高度重视。 本文重在对高中数学课堂观察的探讨,首先在新课程改革实施要求教师改变传统 的教学方式的背景下提出问题,通过对国内外数学课堂观察的研究,对国内数学课堂 观察的现状加以分析;再对数学课堂观察的内涵进行解释,并给出数学课堂观察实施 的方法与步骤;然后结合平时的教学实践,对高中数学课堂观察进行案例分析;最后 对课堂观察过程中出现的常见问题加以诊断、分析。 最终,希望通过本文的研究,可以改进学生的课堂学习;可以提高教师队伍的整 体数学教学质量;可以促进学校的合作文化建构。 关键词:新课程 课堂观察 高中数学课堂教学 作 者:吴建琴 指导老师:卢丹诚 I Abstract Research of high school mathematics classroom Observation Research of high school mathematics classroom Observation Abstract At present, the teaching philosophy Students are the subjects of education and classroom teaching has been continuously stressed in the new curriculum reform of senior high school. Thus, as an implementation of the new curriculum idea, senior high school mathematics classroom teaching has become the focus and direction of contemporary educational research. Schools and teachers attach great importance to the method of measuring the effectiveness of classroom teaching----- classroom observation. This thesis focuses on high school mathematics classroom observation. In the background of new curriculum reform, teachers are required to change their traditional teaching mode. This thesis firstly puts forward questions, analyses the domestic situation of the mathematics classroom observation, then explain the meanings, lists methods and steps. Finally it offers a case analysis of classroom observation to diagnose common problems in the process of classroom observation. Hopefully, this research will improve students classroom learning efficiency, upgrade overall teaching quality of mathematics teachers and promote cooperation in schools. Written b


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