
煤矿安全管理 毕业设计 .doc

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煤矿安全管理 毕业设计

毕业设计(论文) 题目名称: 函授站名称: 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 中原工学院继续教育学院 年 月 摘 要 煤炭行业是我国的支柱产业,我国能源消耗的三分之二都是来自煤炭。伴随着煤炭开采量的不断增加,煤矿安全问题变得日益突出。由于我国煤炭生产主要是地下作业,煤炭地质条件复杂多变,经常受到顶板、瓦斯、水、火、粉尘等自然灾害的威胁,加之技术装备落后、职工素质偏低等不利因素,重特大煤矿事故时有发生。为了减少煤矿事故的人员伤亡和财产损失,编制事故应急救援预案成为煤矿安全工作的重要内容。针对目前煤矿灾害的应急救援已经成为国际社会普遍关注的社会性问题。众所周知,当灾害不可避免时,及时有效的应急救援行动是唯一可以抵御灾害蔓延、扩大并减轻危害后果的有力措施。 关键词:煤矿事故;应急预案;安全生产 Abstract The coal industry is a pillar industry of our country, our country two-thirds of the energy comes from coal. Along with the increase of coal mines, the coal mine safety problem has become increasingly prominent. Because of coal production in China is mainly underground, coal geological condition is complicated, often by roof, gas, water, fire, dust, etc. The threat of natural disasters, together with technical equipment is backward, staff quality low and so on adverse factors, major workplace coal mine accidents have occurred. In order to reduce coal mine accidents casualties and property losses, and prepare the accident emergency rescue plans to become an important content of the coal mine safety work. In view of the present coal mine disaster emergency rescue has become a social issue of common concern to the international society. As is known to all, when the disaster is inevitable, timely and effective emergency rescue is the only way to resist disasters, expanding and strong measures to reduce the harmful consequences. Keywords:coal mining accident;emergency responsible;safety production 中原工学院继续教育学院毕业论文 煤矿安全管理



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