
南宫市佳吉快运的营销策划 毕业设计 .doc

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南宫市佳吉快运的营销策划 毕业设计

南宫市佳吉快运的营销策划 摘要 市场经济形式下,企业之间的竞争变得愈加激烈,企业想要获得更高的经济效益,降低自身成本是前提条件。对生产企业而言,降低物流成本是提高经济效益的重要手段,物流外包使生产企业解放了生产力,提高了生产效率,第三方物流业应运而生,第三方物流企业为生产企业提供专业的物流服务,带动了生产企业的发展。本文以佳吉快运为例,就南宫市佳吉快运在营业期间遇到的问题展开讨论,通过分析当地商业基础确定企业的选址,并对企业客户进行分类,针对大客户制定个性化服务,同时通过加强企业内部管理,完善企业制度等一系列措施促进南宫市佳吉快运的发展。 关键词:营销策划;营销策略;SWOT分析;内控;运营规划 The marketing planning of NanGong CNEX ABSTRACT In the market economy,the competition between the enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, if the enterprises want to claim higher profits, then they must reduce their cost . For?the?manufactures, reducing logistics cost is an important means to improve their economy, logistics outsourcing makes the manufactures emancipate?the productive forces, and improve their production efficiency, and so, the third party logistics is born at the right moment, the third party logistics enterprises provide the manufactures with professional logistics services, and they promote the manufactures development. The article takes NanGong CNEX as an example, talks about the problems during a business day, determines the enterprises location through analysing the business fundamentals, meanwhile?classifies customers and develops personal services for specific customers, wahts more, promotes the development of CNEX by strengthening the internal management and perfecting the enterprises system and so on. Keywords: marketing planning;marketing strategy;SWOT Analysis;internal control?;Operations Planning. 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 1 1.3 主要研究内容 1 2 理论介绍 3 2.1 ABC分析法 3 2.2 选址方法 3 2.3 SWOT分析法 4 2.4 “4P+4C”营销战略 4 2.4.1 市场开发战略:抓住市场动向,掌握顾客需求,开发新产品(Consumer+Product)(Cost+Price) 2.5 节约里程法 5 3 企业现状及影响选址因素 6 3.1 公司信息 6 3.1.1 公司简介 6 3.1.2 配送模式 6 3.2 南宫市佳吉快运基本信息 6 3.2.1 南宫市佳吉快运简介 6 3.2.2 商业基础 7 3.3 客户分类 9 3.4 重心法选址 9 3.5 SWOT分析 11 3.5.1 主要竞争对手 11 3.5.2 SWOT 分析 11 3.6 面临的问题 13 4 营销策略 14 4.1 市场开发战略 14 4.2 SWOT 战略 15 4.2.1 WT 战略 15 4.2.2 ST战略 16 4.3 成本领先战略 17 4.3.1 降低固定资产投入的成本 17 4.3.2 降低运


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