
农产品追溯系统前台管理设计 毕业设计 .doc

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农产品追溯系统前台管理设计 毕业设计

摘 要 可追溯系统(Traceability System)就是在产品供应的整个过程中对产品的各种相关信息进行记录存储的质量保障系统,其目的是在出现产品质量问题时,能够快速有效地查询到出问题的原料或加工环节,必要时进行产品召回,实施有针对性的惩罚措施,由此来提高产品质量水平。“农产品可追溯系统”是追踪农产品(包括食品、饲料等)进入市场各个阶段(从生产到流通的全过程)的系统,有助于质量控制和在必要时召回产品。从用途上讲,农产品分为食用农产品和工业用农产品。就目前食品安全事件对人类生命健康造成的危害来说,解决食用农产品的质量安全问题迫在眉睫,本文主要论述针对“食用农产品”的可追溯系统。 可追溯系统中每件产品都有唯一的标签作为标识,消费者购买农产品后,根据此标识可以查询到该产品在种植、生产、加工和运输各个环节的信息,保障了消费者对所有物的知情权和选择权,出现质量问题时可以方便的查询到问题根源,从根本上可以减少食品安全产生的影响。 通过对农产品追溯系统调研与分析的基础上,使用面向对象的分析与设计方法,设计和实现本系统的模块,对农产品信息进行查询、添加,实现了对数据库的管理。 关键字:农产品追溯系统 食品安全 SQL Server 2008 C# .net Abstract  Traceability (Traceability System) is in the supply of the product throughout the course of a variety of information related to the record store quality assurance system, which is aimed at product quality problems, can quickly and efficiently query to the problem of raw material or processing areas, when necessary, product recalls, the implementation of targeted sanctions, thus to improve product quality. Agricultural products traceability system to track agricultural products (including food, feed, etc.) to enter the market at all stages (from production to distribution of the whole process) systems, quality control and helps to recall products when necessary. Speaking from the use of agricultural products into edible agricultural and industrial produce. On the current food safety events on human life and health hazards, the solution of edible agricultural products quality and safety issues looming, this paper discusses for the edible agricultural products, the traceability system.? Traceability system in each product has a unique label as a logo, consumers of agricultural products, according to this identity can query to the product in the cultivation, production, processing and transportation of all aspects of information, protection of consumers of all objects right to information and right to choose a quality problem can easily query to the root of the problem, you can radically reduce the impact of food safe


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