
培训学校管理软件学籍管理设计 毕业设计 .doc

培训学校管理软件学籍管理设计 毕业设计 .doc

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培训学校管理软件学籍管理设计 毕业设计

摘 要 随着的电子技术的迅速发展,计算机的处理速度的飞速增加,人们使用计算机来代替人类的各种烦琐的管理活动也越来越迫切。网站的作用愈显重要,其被人们称之为继广播、报纸、杂志、电视后的第五种媒体——数字媒体。网站拥有着众多的优势,因此现在众多企业都拥有或正在建设自己的网站,且各种各样的信息管理系统也越来越偏向使用B/S结构。本设计即是基于B/S结构的培训学校管理系统。 本系统采用以JSP作为开发环境,Microsoft Sql Server作为数据库服务器,tomcat作为Web 应用服务器 ,从而实现了以学籍管理、人事管理、教务管理、教材管理为主的四大模块来实现对培训机构的日常业务管理工作。从而使学校复杂繁琐的日常管理工作变得简单化、信息化和高效化。 本文即详细介绍了该系统下学籍管理模块从需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计、以及测试与调试的整个开发的详细过程,并总结了开发过程中的经验以及本系统今后的拓展方向 关键词 培训学校管理软件、Web、SQL Server、管理 Abstract With the rapid development of electronic technology, computer processing speed of the rapid increase, people use computer to replace human activities of the cumbersome management is becoming more and more urgent. Website become an increasingly important role, it is known as the radio, newspapers, magazines, television after the fifth media, digital media. Web site has the advantage of the many, so many enterprises now have or are building their own websites, and a variety of information management system is becoming more and more toward using B/S structure. This design is based on B/S structure of the training school management system. This system USES JSP as development environment, Microsoft Sql Server as the database Server, tomcat as a Web application Server, so as to realize the student status management, personnel management, educational administration, teaching material management four modules to implement the daily business management work of training institutions. So that the daily management of school to complexity easier, information and efficiency. This article introduces in detail the system under the student status management module from requirements analysis, system analysis, general design, detailed design, and testing and debugging of the whole development process in detail, and summarizes the experience in the process of development and the system the development direction in the future Key Words training school management software、Web、 SQL Server、 management 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 信息管理



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