
汽车销售与管理系统设计与实现销售管理模块 毕业设计 .doc

汽车销售与管理系统设计与实现销售管理模块 毕业设计 .doc

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汽车销售与管理系统设计与实现销售管理模块 毕业设计

摘 要 汽车销售管理系统是各个汽车销售公司的管理、计划、销售、售后服务等只能部门不可缺少的部分,能够使整个公司协调一致、高效率的运转,因此,如何对汽车的销售管理提供一整套的管理办法以达到提高效率和降低成本的问题成为焦点。汽车销售管理系统的提出,对汽车销售公司来讲意义重大,它不但能使各个业务环境协调一致,而且操作简单、账目清晰。通过该管理系统,公司能在最短的时间内准确的获得市场信息,从来制定相应的策略。 本系统采用MVC框架,MVC(Model-View-Controller)。本系统需要用到的Java相关技术有jsp技术、servlet技术、jdbc技术、SSH框架。其中, Struts技术是基于MVC的Web应用框架。在Struts框架中,模型层由实现业务逻辑的JavaBean组件构成,控制层由ActionServlet和Action来实现,视图层由一组JSP文件构成。 ;;Abstract Automobile sales management system is the management of each companys car sales, planning, sales, service and other sectors indispensable part only, enabling the entire company coordinated, efficient operation, and therefore, how to provide a set of car sales management management practices in order to achieve greater efficiency and cost reduction issues into focus. Proposed automobile sales management system for car sales company in terms of significance, it can not only make a concerted various business environments, and simple, clear accounts. Through this management system, the company can get accurate market information in the shortest possible time, and never develop appropriate strategies. The system uses the MVC framework, MVC (Model-View-Controller). The system needs to use the Java technology-related technology jsp, servlet technology, jdbc technology, SSH framework. Which, Struts technology is based on the MVC Web Application Framework. In the Struts framework, the model layer by the implementation of business logic JavaBean components, control layer consists ActionServlet and Action to achieve, the view layer constituted by a set of JSP files. The system is capable of auto sales through the establishment of management systems, to achieve the sales information CRUD functionality. Rationalize business processes and information flows, the enterprise sales management more convenient. Administrators and memo function which also added to modify the data query and delete functions, query records also achieved classification queries. Keywords: Car,Management ystem


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