
汽车液压制动系统的特点与故障诊断 学位论文.doc

汽车液压制动系统的特点与故障诊断 学位论文.doc

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汽车液压制动系统的特点与故障诊断 学位论文

黄河科技学院应用技术学院 毕 业 论 文 题目:汽车液压制动系统的特点与故障诊断 姓 名: 所学专业:车辆工程 指导老师: 通讯地址: 摘 要 我国汽车行业的飞速发展,汽车逐渐进入每个家庭成为人们最主要的交通工具。而伴随着汽车生产产品的日益增多,随之而来的问题也在不断增加,尤其是汽车制动系统的故障,成为人们普遍关注的问题。液压制动时制动柔和灵敏,结构简单,使用方便,不消耗发动机功率。但操作较费力,制动力不很大,制动液流动性差,高温易产生气阻,如有空气侵入或漏油会降低制动效能甚至失效。因此汽车制动系统故障的解决也变得日益重要,探讨影响汽车制动系统的各种因素,并找到解决方法,才是汽车今后发展的重中之重。 由于本人水平有限论文中难免存在错误和不足之处,所以论文在编辑过程中参考了大量的文献资料,借鉴了部分数据资料和图表,敬请老师多多指正及批评。 关键词: 液压制动 ABS制动鼓 制动总泵 制动拖滞The characteristics of the automobile hydraulic brake system and fault diagnosis The rapid development of Chinas automobile industry, car into every family to become peoples main traffic tools. And along with the increasing range of automobile production products, the resulting problem is also increasing, especially the faults of automobile brake system, become a widespread concern. Hydraulic brake braking when the soft and sensitive, simple structure, convenient use, no consumption of engine power. But the operation is easy, braking force is not big, the brake fluid illiquid, caused by high temperature gas resistance, such as air intrusion or oil reduces braking performance and even failure. So the solution of the automobile braking system fault is also becoming increasingly important, discusses the various factors influencing the automobile braking system, and find a solution, is the top priority of the development of cars in the future. Because my level is limited in the paper to avoid errors and shortcomings, so the paper refer to a large number of documents in the editing process, draw lessons from some of the data and charts, please the teacher to correct me a lot and criticism. Key words: hydraulic brake ABS brake drum brake master cylinder, brake lag 目录 1 摘 要 2 第一章 汽车液压制动原理与构造 6 1.1 制动系的基本结构 6 1.2 制动工作原理 7 1.3 制动主缸的结构及工作过程 7 1.4 汽车液压制动装置的构造 7 1.5 制动轮缸的结构及工作过程 8 1.6 行车制动工作原理 9



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