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汽车专业 翻译 中英文(全)the automobile in america 学位论文
The Automobile in the United States
History 389, section 3. George Mason University. Spring 2010
Science and Technology I, room 224. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 – 1:15 pm.
Course Blackboard site:
General advice: /teaching
Professor Zachary M. Schrag
E-mail: zschrag@ (please include “389” in subject header).
Office: Robinson B 357A. Tel. 703/594-1844.
Office Hours: Mondays, 2-4 pm.
While I greatly enjoy meeting students individually, department meetings and other commitments occasionally force me to cancel scheduled office hours, so please let me know in advance if you are coming to office hours. If you would like to meet some other time, please send me an e-mail with two or three proposed times.
Course Description
This course examines the biography of one of the most important characters in twentieth-century U.S. history: the automobile. Embracing the histories of business, policy, labor, the environment, technology, and culture, this course seeks a holistic understanding of the role of the car in American life. It will examine the invention and adoption of the automobile, the rise of assembly-line manufacturing, the evolution of roadside architecture, and the challenges posed by oil shortages. It seeks to draw a variety of students and encourage them to think about one of the fundamental interactions between humans and machines in the history of the nation and in their own lives.
In this course, students will:
Reflect on the significance of the automobile in shaping the America we know today, including their own daily lives.
Use the automobile to understand the interconnections among technology, business, labor, culture, and politics.
Practice critical reading of primary and secondary sources, including texts, images, music, and motion pictures.
Practice research skills using sources in electronic databases, on paper, and in the world around us.
Practice skills of writing, editing, and revision.
Administrative information
All assignments are g
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