
浅谈数列求和的若干方法 学位论文.doc

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浅谈数列求和的若干方法 学位论文

目录 摘要 1 ABSTRACT 1 1.引言 2 2.公式法 2 3.错项相消法 3 4.倒序相加法 4 5.通项分析法 5 6.待定归纳法 6 7.裂项法 7 8. 逐差法 8 9. 组合数法 9 10.导数求和法 10 11.数学归纳法 11 12.递推数列求和法 12 13.无穷递缩等比数列求和法 12 小结 14 参考文献 14 致谢 15 摘要:初学者对这部分的内容有畏难情绪,以至没有学好此内容.关于数列求和前人也作过不少文章,但随着数学的发展,数列求和出现了新题型,数列求和的若干方法不但解决了数列的一般求和也很好的处理了递推问题.要解决一类问题,数列求和是从它们的本质特点出发,去寻找最一般的方法,从而得出的结论比较具有针对性,可以普遍推广.本章的内容规律性比较强,只要抓住它们的不同特点,相应的归类就比较容易地解答.根据数列的不同特点,给出了数列通项与求和的一般形式,很好地解决了数列求和的若干问题,为学好本章起到很大的帮助作用. 关键词:数列;前项和;通项公式;递推求和 ABSTRACT Series summation series are the focus of this chapter , but also difficult . Sometimes such problems is to much trouble , if not impossible to do this , this part of the contents of beginners have fear of difficulty , emotional , and so has failed to learn this content . Summation series about it for a number of previous article , but with the development of math , sum series of new questions have also emerged , a number of series summation of the series will not only solve the general sum is also a very good deal with the delivery pushing problem . One type of problem to solve , a number of series summation are from their nature , characteristics , the go looking for the most general way to compare the conclusions thus targeted to the general promotion . Regularty of the contents of this chapter are relatively strong , as long as they grasp the different characteristics ,the corresponding classification can easily answer . According to the general form , a very good solution to a series summation of a number of issues , in order to learn to play a great help in this chapter . Key words : series ; pre-n and ; formula ; recursive summation 1.引言 数列是高中代数的重要内容,是学习高等数学的基础.在高考和各种数学竞赛中都占有重要的地位.数列求和是数列的重要内容之一,除了等差数列和等比数列外,大部分求和都需要技巧,下面,就几个历届高考数学来谈谈数列求和的基本方法和技巧. 2.公式法 对于以下数列可利用公式直接求和. (1)等差数列: (其中::前n项和,:首项,:末项,d:公差,n:项数,下同) (2)等比数列: (3) 自然数的和 (4)自然数的平方和 (5)自然数的立方和 例1 求和 分析:由得 ,令=1、2、3、得 …… 把以上各式两边相加得: 因此, 例2 求和: 解:设所求之和为,则 ,这是公比为的等比数列前项之和. (1)、若即则有 (2)、若即则有 3.错项相消法 如果一个数列的各项是由一个等


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