
浅析房地产企业开发中的成本控制设计 毕业设计 .doc

浅析房地产企业开发中的成本控制设计 毕业设计 .doc

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浅析房地产企业开发中的成本控制设计 毕业设计

本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:浅析房地产企业开发中的成本控制 摘 要 我国的房地产业经过多年的发展,已逐渐成为国家经济的重要支柱产业,它 带动了多个行业的发展,在国家第三产业中占有十分重要的地位。但随着各个城 市房价的持续攀升,国家对此行业发展开始高度关注,特别是 2005 年以来,国家颁布了一系列的法规文件开始对房地产业进行调控,房地产企业面临着前所未有压力,利润空间一再被压缩。房地产企业面临着行业的重新洗牌和优胜劣汰的局面,将有一批不适应市场的企业被淘汰出局。因此房地产企业必须要实现从粗放型管理模式向集约型方向的转变,其中成本控制工作作为管理工作的关键环节必须引起企业的高度重视。目前,国内的房地产企业的成本控制水平普遍较为落后,成本浪费情况严重,对企业而言会降低经济效益。因此,合理有效的成本控制方法的应用成为房地产企业站稳市场和持续发展的基本保证。 关键词:房地产企业;开发成本;成本控制;解决对策 ABSTRACT After years of development, Chinas real estate has gradually become a major industry of the countrys economy,which pushes the development of a number of industries and is in a very important position in the tertiary industry.Especially since 2005,when the state promulgated a series of documents on laws and regulations to control cities?housing prices, real estate enterprises had faced unprecedented pressure.Margins had been compressed. The real estate industry enterprises are facing a reshuffling environment and the situation extreme competition. There will be a group of enterprises to be eliminated. So the real estate enterprises must change the extensive mode of management to the direction of intensive, So cost control as a key link in the management must be obtained more attention. At present, the cost control level of domestic real estate enterprises is generally backward. The cost waste seriously and the enterprises economic efficiency is low. Therefore, the application of reasonable and effective cost control methods is a basic guarantee to real estate enterprises which stand firm in the market and develop continuously. Keywords:Real estate enterprises;Developing costs; Cost Control;countermeasures 目录 1 绪论 5 1.1研究背景 5 1.2选题目的和意义 6 1.3国内外研究现状 6 1.3.1国外研究现状 6 1.3.2国内研究现状 7 1.4本文的研究方法及内容 7 1.4.1研究方法 7 1.4.2研究内容 7 2 房地产企业开发成本控制的相关理论 8 2.1房地产开发成本控制概念的界定 8 2.2房地产开发的基本情况 9 2.2.1房地产成本控制的内容 9 2.2.2 房地产开发成本的特点 9 2.3房地产开发成本构成及影响



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