
浅析苏宁易购呼叫中心绩效考核体系设计 毕业设计 .doc

浅析苏宁易购呼叫中心绩效考核体系设计 毕业设计 .doc

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浅析苏宁易购呼叫中心绩效考核体系设计 毕业设计

江苏经贸职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 浅析苏宁易购呼叫中心绩效考核体系 浅析苏宁易购呼叫中心绩效考核体系 摘 要: 伴随着信息时代的到来,人力资源的开发和利用在企业中起着越来越重要的作用。对人力资源的争夺、新人才的培养、人力资源绩效考核,成为当今各类型企业和社会组织时刻关注的重心。绩效考核作为提高企业和员工绩效的重要工具显得越来越重要。绩效考核是晋升和培训工作的依据。通过定期考核,也可以使员工自己了解在哪些方面已有提高,在哪些方面还有不足。绩效考核为组织的各类人员提供一个畅所欲言机会,有机会揭示出工作中的低效率行为,同时还可以帮助员工强化已有的正确行为。绩效考核还是奖励的合理依据。在现实中,许多企业的绩效考核都成了“走过场”,在考核的过程中没有规范做法,从而没有把绩效考核的作用发挥出来,甚至走向其对立面。因此,对我国企业的绩效考核工作进行分析、提出对策并设定科学的绩效考核体系不仅是可行的而且是必要的 SuningE-go call center performance appraisal system Abstract: Along with the advent of the information era, the development and utilization of human resources plays an increasingly important role in the enterprise.Competition for human resources, training of new personnel, human resources, performance appraisal, today all types of enterprises and social organizations always pay attention to the center of gravity. Performance appraisal as an important tool to improve the performance of enterprises and employees become increasingly important. The performance appraisal is the basis for promotion and training.Through regular assessment, the staff has been improved to understand in which areas in which there is a lack of. Performance appraisal of all the personnel of the organization to provide a freely opportunities, have the opportunity to reveal the behavior of low efficiency, but also can help employees strengthen existing correct behavior. A reasonable basis for performance appraisal or reward. In reality, many enterprises performance evaluation have become going through the motions, there are no standard practices in the assessment process, which does not play the role of performance appraisal, and even to its opposite. Therefore, the performance assessment of the Chinese enterprises to analyze, propose a solution and set the scientific performance appraisal system is not only feasible but necessary.This paper analyzes the SuningE-go performance appraisal system, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. Key words: Performance


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