
浅析中美贸易失衡原因及影响 学位论文.doc

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浅析中美贸易失衡原因及影响 学位论文

前言摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract. 2 Keywords 2 1 中美贸易不平衡现状 3 1.1中美贸易差额不断扩大 3 1.2中美进出口商品结构不平衡 3 1.3中美贸易方式不平衡 4 2 中美贸易失衡原因分析 5 2.1中美两国统计口径不一致 5 2.2中美两国宏观经济状况不同 5 2.3美国对华采取发展限制战略 6 2.4东亚产业转移 7 2.5美国对华出口管制 7 3 中美贸易失衡对中美两国的影响 8 3.1中美贸易失衡对双方经济发展的影响 8 3.1.1中美贸易失衡对美国经济发展影响 8 3.1.2中美贸易失衡对中国经济发展影响 8 3.2中美贸易失衡对双方就业的影响 9 3.2.1中美贸易失衡对美国就业影响 9 3.2.2中美贸易失衡对中国就业影响 9 3.3中美贸易失衡对双方产业结构的影响 9 3.3.1中美贸易失衡对美国产业结构影响 10 3.3.2中美贸易失衡对中国产业结构影响 10 3.4中美贸易失衡对双方社会福利的影响 10 3.4.1中美贸易失衡对美国社会福利影响 10 3.4.2中美贸易失衡对中国社会福利影响 11 4 对策与建议 11 4.1完善统计制度和规则 11 4.2扩大内需从而拉动进口 11 4.3实现出口产品和市场多元化 12 4.4积极促进中国企业走出去 12 5 结论 12 参考文献 14 致 谢 16 The Causes and the influence of Sino-us Trade imbalance is analysed Abstract:As in 1993, the Commerce Department statistics show that China has become Americas first big trade deficit countries, therefore, in the 1890 s, foreign raised a wave of the sino-us trade imbalance, after entering the 21st century, foreign scholars began to study the influence of sino-us trade imbalance and countermeasures.At the same time, our domestic scholars began to study sino-us trade imbalance, the main research direction for the analysis of the reason, influence and countermeasure research, part of scholars to empirical research, has made great achievements, so to speak.This paper mainly through the analysis of sino-us trade imbalances, and then a comprehensive, detailed analysis the cause of the sino-us trade imbalance and impact on China and the United States.Analysis and study of the causes of sino-us trade imbalance and its influence, to a more rational view of sino-us trade imbalance, and for the handling of disputes over trade imbalances, reduce the trade friction between the two countries also has practical significance. Keywords: sino-us trade imbalance;the reason ;the influence 1 中美贸易不平衡现状 1.1中美贸易差额不断扩大 1979年中美签订贸易协定以来,双方贸易进入了快速发展时期,特别是进入21世纪以来,中美贸易增幅较大,截止到2009年,中国成为美国第二大贸易伙伴。据中国商务部统计,1979年中美贸易额为24.5亿美元,截止2012年底,中美贸易额已经达到了4846.7亿美元,增长了近198倍。随着中


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