
人力资源管理问题探讨 毕业设计 .doc

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人力资源管理问题探讨 毕业设计

摘 要 乡镇企业作为我国民营企业经济的重要组成部分,肩负着实现经济、社会发展规划目标和调整农村经济结构、转移农村富余劳动力、增加农民收入的重要任务、乡镇企业的迅猛发展、为改革开放打下了坚实的社会基础和经济基础,为我国农业、农村经济乃至整个国民经济的发展,对维护农村和整个社会稳定都做出了历史性的巨大贡献。 目前,我国乡镇企业的发展还很不平衡,经济环境的变化又异常迅速,我国在市场化还没有完全来之际,又面临全球化的挑战;在工业化还没有完全到来之际,信息化浪潮又汹涌而来。应对形式最有效的办法,就是形成自己的竞争力。在21世纪,科技、教育、人力资源开发将成为社会经济和发展的主流,未来企业的竞争,越来越体现在人才竞争上。 本文是笔者在老家实习时,根据课题“企业人力资源管理问题的探讨”,以家乡企业即明鑫铸造有限公司为个案研究的基础上形成。论文共分五大部分:首先,绪论部分提出本人的研究背景、目的、意义和研究方法;第二部分是对明鑫铸造有限公司的基本情况的介绍;第三部分是提出了明新铸造有限公司在人力资源管理方面所产生的问题;第四部分是探讨明鑫铸造有限公司在人力资源管理方面产生的问题的原因;第五部分是提出明鑫铸造有限公司在人力资源方面改进措施。 关键词:乡镇企业;人力资源管理;明鑫铸造有限公司 Abstract As an important componet of national economy ,village and town enterprises are talking serious tasks for realizing the social and economic development plan,improving country economing structure,enhancing the employment for the redundant labot in country,adding persant’income.Those booming village and town enterprises have laid a solid social and economical foundation for the reform and opening outside,and historically contributed vastly to the economic development and the social stability of our country. However,all these enterprises are not well developed until now;the current economic environment is changing raidly as well.We have to face the challenge of globalization before our perfect market turns out;the information technology is now tiding to us before our well industrialization.So the best way to adapt to the situation is to build up the competency of ourselves,which are the talent and labor advantages.In 21 century,the developing of education,technology,and human resource (HR)will take the most important role in the development of social economy and enterprise in the coming days,so that the compertition in the future will focture will focus on the talent competition. This paper is in the home practice,based on the project“the enterprise human resources management problem”,formed the basis of enterprise that is home to acase study of MingXin Foundry Co.Ltd..The paper is divided into five parts:first,the intr


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