
塞亚广场大厦建筑给水排水工程设计 学位论文.doc

塞亚广场大厦建筑给水排水工程设计 学位论文.doc

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塞亚广场大厦建筑给水排水工程设计 学位论文

摘 要 本设计为石家庄市塞亚广场大厦建筑给水排水工程设计,建筑物总高度61.80m,该建筑地上十六层,地下一层。负一层为车库、水泵房、制冷机房等层高4.8m;地上一层至三层为商场,层高为5.0m;四层为办公室,层高为3.6;五~八层为办公室,层高3.6;九~十五层为客房,层高3.6;十六层为KTV,层高3.6m。该建筑物给水排水工程的主要设计内容包括: (1)建筑内部给水系统 该建筑以城市给水管网为水源,建筑物西面有两条DN150的给水干管,管顶覆土厚度1.20m,城市可靠供水压力0.3MPa。因此,系统分为三个分区,1~3层为低区,由市政给水管网直接供水;4~8层为中区,9~16层为高区,中区和高区由变频水泵供水。 (2)建筑内部排水系统 本建筑物北面有一条DN200的排水管道,根据该地区的污水处理现状,室外不设化粪池。 (3)建筑内部消火栓系统 该建筑物消火栓系统设成环状,消火栓系统水源来自消防水池。 (4)建筑内部自动喷淋系统 自动喷水灭火系统选用湿式喷水灭火系统,自喷系统水源来自消防水池。 关键词:给水系统 排水系统 消火栓系统 自动喷淋系统 ABSTRACT The design for Shijiazhuang Isaiah Plaza building water supply and drainage engineering design, building a total height of 61.80m. There are 16 floors of the building and underground a layer. Negative a layer of garage, pump room, refrigerating room, tall 4.8 meters; to one to three store shopping malls, the height of 5.0 meters; four layers for the office, the height of 3.6 meters; five to eight layer for office, the height of 3.6 meters; nine to 15 rooms,the height of 3.6 meters,16 layer for the KTV, the height of 3.6 meters. The main design contents of the building water supply and drainage engineering include: (1) Building internal water supply system The building takes the city water supply network as the source. The building west has two DN150 water supply dry pipe.The tube top cover soil thickness 1.20m.The city reliable water supply pressure 0.3MPa. Therefore, the system is divided into three partitions, from the first floor to the third floor is the part which are supplied by municipal water,from the fourth to the eighth is called the middle part.The ninth floor to sixteenth floor is named high part which is provided by the pump as well as as the middle part. (2) Building internal drainage system There is a drainage pipe DN200 the building on the north, according to the current situation of sewage treatment in the region, no outdoor septic tank. (3) The inside of the building fire hydrant system The building fire hydrant system into the annular w



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