
山药、土豆杯汤加工工艺的研究 毕业设计 .doc

山药、土豆杯汤加工工艺的研究 毕业设计 .doc

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山药、土豆杯汤加工工艺的研究 毕业设计

摘要 本实验以山药、土豆为主要原料,参照山药、土豆所独有的功能和所含的营养以及国内外关于山药、土豆相关饮料的发展状况,对山药、土豆固体饮料的配方、工艺及其稳定性进行了研究。本实验通过一系列的研究后制成山药、土豆固体饮料,测定了其各类营养元素,并确定了最优生产工艺参数。 通过的护色条件的选择的实验,最终得出:当维生素C含量为0.10%,氯化钠含量为0.50%,护色时间为30min时的护色效果最好。通过甜度对山药、土豆饮料感官质量的影响的实验,可得出:白砂糖含量为6.0%时,山药、土豆饮料的感官评价效果为最好,甜度最为适宜。并且配以甜味剂复合使用,效果更佳。通过不同条件下对喷雾干燥的影响的实验,可得出:喷雾干燥的最佳条件为:进口温度170 ℃,出口温度70 ℃,水与山药的质量比1∶2,此时加工制取的干粉品质较好。通过山药、土豆饮料的均质条件及杀菌条件的确定的实验,可得出:最佳的均质条件为均质压力20MPa,次数3次,温度为65℃;杀菌条件为:杀菌温度121℃,时间15min。 进过上述研究制得的山药、土豆固体饮料易冲喝,而且口感好,营养丰富。 关键词:固体饮料;山药;土豆;配方;工艺研究 Abstract In the present study yam, potatoes as the main raw material, combine the peculiar function and nutrition ,and the development situation of about yam, potatoes related drinks at home and abroad, study formulation, process and its stability of yam and potato solid beverage. This experiment through a series of research to make the yam, potatoes solid drink, determine all kinds of nutrition elements,and determine the optimal production process parameters. Through the potatoes luster of the choice of experimental conditions, eventually get: Vitamin C content is 0.10%, sodium chloride content is 0.50%,the protect color time is 30 min,yam has the best protect color effect. Through the sweetness of yam, potato beverage senses the influence on the quality of experiment, and can be made:Sugar content was 6.0%, yam, potato beverage of sensory evaluation for the best effect, the sweetness of most appropriate. And match with sweetener composite use, the effect is better. Through the different conditions in the influence of spray drying experiment, and can be made: The spray drying the best conditions of temperature 170 ℃ for import and export temperature of 70 ℃, water and yam quality than 1:2, this time the processing of dry powder has good quality. Through the yam, potato beverage homogeneous conditions and sterilization condition of the determination of the experiment, can draw: The best homogeneous conditions for homogeneous pressure 20 MPa, number 3 times, t


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