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商业集群中购物中心分析以北京金源购物中心为例 学位论文
随着商业集群的迅猛发展,购物中心逐渐受到开发商与投资商的青睐,成为商业集聚的主要形式之一购物中心一个商业集合体购物中心兼具规模经济优势、各业态之间的互补、全方位的综合性服务、吸引客流诸多优势。本文首先介绍本文将根据我国现阶段商业集群以及购物中心发展问题, 购物中心对促进经济增长的贡献, 展开分析,探索研究适合我国购物中心的发展策略是极其重要,对购物中心在我国健康的发展,是十分重要而急迫的。
With the continuous development of Chinas commercial clusters, rapid economic growth, peoples consumption levels significantly increased, the acceleration of urbanization, the improvement of road traffic, the popularity of self-driving people to buy goods, more and more emphasis on shopping . With the rapid development of business clusters, shopping center developers and investors are increasingly popular, becoming one of the main forms of business concentration. Collection as a commercial shopping center, shopping, entertainment and leisure in one. The city business district has become the main force. Shopping in China nowadays as both economies of scale, complementarities between the various formats, a full range of integrated services, attracting a large number of passenger traffic, and many other advantages of a commercial form. Because of the lack of a systematic study of Chinas shopping center, at the same time, commercial real estate developers, the lack of professional development and management experience. Chinas leading shopping center development is highly uneven, both the case of failure, there are success stories. This paper describes the meaning of business clusters, to be defined for the concept and development of our business clusters and a brief description of the status quo. Then introduce the definition of shopping center and shopping center for Chinas economic role in the analysis of problems encountered in the development of Chinas shopping center, combined with Beijing Golden Resources Mall case, deal with the problems, identify appropriate development . Draw the appropriate conclusions. This paper will be based on the status quo of Chinas current business and shopping center cluster development, shop
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