
声音对养生的作用 毕业设计 .doc

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声音对养生的作用 毕业设计

河南中医学院 Henan college of traditional Chinese medicine 气功论文 题目:声音对养生的作用 院系: 针灸推拿学院 专业: 针灸推拿学 摘要 音乐养生是中医养生学的一个组成部分。中医养生学认为,长寿之道首先要保持乐观的情绪,开朗的性格,高雅的情趣,这是延年益寿,养生抗衰的根本。而赏心悦耳的音乐能使人轻松愉快,对身心健康很有益处。音乐所以能够养生疗疾,就是在于它将人体的阴阳两方面相互协调并与宇宙自然的阴阳变化相统一。音乐所具有的阴阳特性,也可以用于调整阴阳的盛衰。音乐能够运用其本身具有的活泼阳动或缠绵阴静的特点,来调节人体阴阳,使之不断处于协调平衡状态。五音疗法,是根据中医传统的五行理论,运用角、徵、宫、商、羽五种不同音调的音乐来调治疾病。平和适中的音乐既能柔和悦耳,又可养生怡性,益于机体气血和畅。它不仅给人们以音乐美,而且能够发挥养生抗衰、防病疗疾的神奇功效。 关键词:音乐 养生 阴阳五行 The voice of the role of preserve ones health ABSTRACT:Music preserve ones health is an integral part of health preserving of TCM. Zhang believes that the path to longevity must first keep optimistic mood, cheerful personality, elegant taste, this is prolong life, health fight decline at all. And sweet music can make people relaxed and happy, is beneficial to health of body and mind. Music so can preserve ones health treatment, that is, is that it will be the bodys Yin and Yang are two aspects to coordinate with each other and with the nature of Yin and Yang change. Music has the characteristics of Yin and Yang, also can be used to adjust the rise and fall of Yin and Yang. Music can use itself has the lively Yang or lingering Yin static characteristics, to regulate the body of Yin and Yang, making them constantly in a state of coordination and balance. Sound therapy, is based on the traditional five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, using the Angle, characteristics, palace, shang, feather five different tones of music to modulation of illness. Gentle and moderate soft music can not only sweet, but also keeping in good health diet, beneficial to the bodys qi bracing. It to the people to music not only beautiful, but also can play a healthy fight decline the magical efficacy of prevention and treatment. Keywords: Music preserve ones health The five elements of Yin and Yang 目录 摘要 (一)音乐养生在中医养生学中的作用.........................5 (二)百病生于气,止于音.......



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