
试论发展我国银行卡产业的意义与建议 学位论文.doc

试论发展我国银行卡产业的意义与建议 学位论文.doc

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试论发展我国银行卡产业的意义与建议 学位论文

学校代码: 10272 学 号:中行0021 上 海 财 经 大 学 硕士学位论文 论 文 题 目 试论发展我国银行卡产业的意义与建议 作 者 姓 名 院 (系所) 金融学院 专 业 货币银行 指 导 老 师 完 成 时 间 摘 要 近年来,我国银行卡产业发展迅速,国内各地的银行卡受理环境得到明显改善,持卡人的数量与素质在不断地快速提高,至去年年底银行卡联网通用的目标已基本实现,由多元化市场主体构成的银行卡产业链在我国已初步形成。然而与此同时,我们也应清楚地看到,银行卡产业在国际上,尤其是在发达国家的发展同样很快,无论在经营的规模,还是管理的理念、技术的运用上都已发展到非常成熟的阶段。相比之下,我国的银行卡产业在产业整体规划、相关法规建设、产业扶持政策、受理与发卡市场的建设等方面尚处于发展的初级阶段。至2006年底,我国即将全面开放金融市场,可以预见,不久的将来我国的银行卡产业将面临外资的极大挑战。 为全面提升我国银行卡产业的民族竞争力,使我国银行卡产业尽快步入良性的、持续的发展轨道,我国不仅需要在银行卡产业发展中不断借鉴国外银行卡发展的成功经验,还需要把握住当前银行卡产业在国际上的发展趋势,通过大力完善我国银行卡产业基础建设与产业生存环境,来加速推进我国银行卡产业的发展,并由此带动相关产业的发展,推动国民经济的增长,同时促进卡基支付体系在我国国民经济中发挥安全、高效运转的作用。 关键词:银行卡产业,受理市场,发卡市场,借记卡,信用卡,卡基支付 Abstract The bankcard industry has been seeing a rapid growth in recent years with significant nationwide improvement in bankcard acceptance market and speedy growth in the number of cardholders and their sense of using cards. The goal of bankcard interoperability was largely achieved by the end of last year, which leads to the preliminary establishment of a bankcard industry chain composed of multiple players. Though, however, we need also have a clear vision that the bankcard industry is growing at a considerable speed worldwide, especially in developed countries, where the scale of the industry, management ideology, as well as technology application have matured. In comparison, the local bankcard industry is still in its initial stage in terms of overall planning of the industry, constitution of relevant laws and regulations, policies to support the industry and development of issuing and acquiring market. With the openness of China’s financial market by the end of 2006, it can be anticipated that the local bankcard industry will have to face severe competition from foreign capitals. Aiming at improving the overall comp


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