
太阳光入射角光电检测装置 毕业设计 .doc

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太阳光入射角光电检测装置 毕业设计

摘要 正面临着石油和煤炭等矿物燃料枯竭的严重威胁,太阳能作为一种新型能源具有储量无限、普遍存在、利用清洁、使用经济等优点,但是太阳能又存在着低密度、间歇性、空间分布不断变化、光照方向和强度随时间不断变化的问题,这就使太阳能设备对太阳能的利用率不高,对太阳能的收集和利用提出了更高的要求。太阳光入射角光电检测跟踪装置解决了太阳能利用率不高的问题据实验相同条件下, 采用光电检测跟踪发电设备要比固定发电设备的发电量提高35%,因此在太阳能利用中进行光电检测跟踪是十分必要的。 本尝试一种能够自动跟踪太阳光照射角度的双轴自动跟踪系统以提高太阳能电池的光电转化率。采用四个光敏电阻对比所受光照强度,当该板未对准太阳时,因角度差会造成光敏电阻上所接受的光强不同,从而产生微弱的压差,该压差与标准压差送入电压比较器中进行比较输出,得出四路高低电平的信号变化,该变化信号就是太阳方位的实时反应,这四路信号送入H桥电机驱动芯片中,驱动两电直流电机按相应的方位进行位移,当位移过程中控制板对准太阳时,芯片无输出电机进入锁定状态,最终达到实时跟踪的目的。 太阳光入射角光电检测装置结构简单、成本低, 受外界环境影响较低,还可以扩展为实用的太阳能发电的自动跟踪系统有较好的推广应用价值。 关键词:太阳入射角;光敏电阻;直流电机;跟踪 Abstract The world is facing a serious threat of depletion of fossil fuels such as oil and coal, and unlimited solar energy as a new energy reserves, the prevalence of use of cleaning, the use of economic advantages, but solar energy and the existence of low-density and intermittent and spatial distribution and changes in illumination direction and intensity with the time changing, which makes the utilization of solar energy equipment for solar energy is not high, a higher demand on the collection and use of solar energy. Solve the problem of solar energy utilization is not high for the sunlight incidence angle photoelectric detection and tracking devices to improve by 35 percent, according to the experiment under the same conditions, using optical detection and tracking in the generating capacity of power generation equipment than the fixed power generation equipment, in the utilization of solar energy photoelectric detection and tracking is essential. This paper attempts to design a way to automatically track the sunlight angle of the dualaxis automatic tracking system to improve the solar cell conversion rate. First used in the hardware section in the design and selection, followed by the use of simulation software, simulation and debugging of the entire system. The design uses four photosensitive resistance compared suffered light intensity, when the board at the sun, the angle difference will cause t



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