
陶瓷基片烧结炉废气治理工程 毕业设计 .doc

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陶瓷基片烧结炉废气治理工程 毕业设计

设计总说明 本毕业设计的对象是广东潮州三环(集团)股份有限公司的陶瓷基片生产在陶瓷基片成型加工过程中,主体原料氧化铝系粉体,需要用聚乙烯醇缩丁酸(PVB)、二丁酯(DBP)等黏合剂粘合因此陶瓷胚基片中含有聚乙烯醇缩丁酸(PVB)、二丁酯(DBP)等有机物,。考虑到有机废气的净化率和工程实际经济可行性本毕业设计(集团)股份有限公司决定采用直接燃烧法处理工艺。 广东潮州三环(集团)股份有限公司生产陶瓷基片聚乙烯醇缩丁酸(PVB)、二丁酯(DBP)等有机物在高温下聚乙烯醇缩丁酸(PVB)、二丁酯(DBP)等有机物被氧化,氧化反应剧烈且完全彻底,氧化产物是对人体无害的二氧化碳和水有机废气专用的管道进行集中收集,送入烧结炉烧结段进行燃烧,燃烧后的热烟气又经锅炉引风机加压,进入烧结炉预热段的间接换热器,如此周而复始间接换热器换热后的低温烟气汇集后经烟囱排放从而恶臭污染问题解决。 关键词:陶瓷基片,直接燃烧法Abstract The graduation project is the subject of Chaozhou in Guangdong tricyclic (Group) Company Limited production of ceramic substrates in the course of the stench of gas. Ceramic substrates in the process of forming, the main raw material of aluminum powder, the need for polyvinyl butyrate (PVB), dibutyl (DBP), such as adhesive bonding. Therefore ceramic embryo-containing polyvinyl acid tablets (PVB), dibutyl (DBP) and other organic matter, the high temperature sintering technology-based tablets from the volatile after the stench of gas, affecting the normal life of people around. The stench of organic gases emissions, taking into account the organic waste gas purification rate and engineering and economic feasibility of the actual situation, the stench graduated from design through various methods of removal of Chaozhou City and three-ring (Group) Company Limited production of ceramics Substrate of the actual situation, decided to adopt the direct combustion process on the stench processed gas emissions to meet the requirements of environmental standards. Chaozhou in Guangdong tricyclic (Group) Company Limited production of ceramic substrates in the process, the stench is polyvinyl butyrate (PVB), dibutyl (DBP) and other organic matter caused by. Under high temperature, polyvinyl butyrate (PVB), dibutyl (DBP) and other organic matter by oxidation, and the intense reaction of full and complete, its oxidation product is harmless carbon dioxide and water. According to this theory, the production process of the organic waste gas (stench) of pipes with special focus on



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