
图书馆智能照明系统 学位论文.doc

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图书馆智能照明系统 学位论文

图书馆智能照明系统设计 摘要 随着照明技术的发展,传统的照明已无法解决如今人们对照明效果的要求,简单的控制方式,更加不方便于系统的管理与维护,智能照明与智能控制已经进入历史舞台,结合现代通信技术与电脑技术的控制技术等现代化技术,进而满足了智能照明的要求,既节能、又环保、并且便于管理与维护。图书馆是一个能够收藏图书、杂志、资料、报纸、光盘等文献的地方。它是学子们探寻知识的殿堂,是丰富的文化遗产,现在也越来越多的受到关注。本文基于的图书馆是大学图书馆,主要分布有自习室、办公室、阅览室、图书室等。在这个照明系统中,通过对场景的预设、照度的计算、灯具的选择等,对图书馆智能照明控制系统进行设计,进而说明了智能照明的优势。 关键词:照明;智能;控制系统 Design of intelligent lighting system for Library Abstract With the development of lighting technology, the traditional lighting has been unable to solve the requirement of the lighting effect of the people, simple control, convenient for the management and maintenance of the system, the intelligent lighting and intelligent control has entered the stage of history, combined with the control technology and other modern technology and modern communication technology and computer technology, and then meet the intelligent lighting the requirements of energy saving, environmental protection, but also, and is convenient for management and maintenance. The library is a collection of books, magazines, newspapers, CDs and other literature data. It is the temple of the students to explore the knowledge, is a rich cultural heritage, now more and more attention. This paper is based on the university library, mainly a study room, office, reading room, library, etc.. In the lighting system, based on the preset scene, illumination calculation, the choice of lamps and so on, carries on the design to the library of intelligent lighting control system, and then illustrates the advantages of intelligent lighting. Keywords: Lighting; Intelligent; Control system 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 智能的意义 1 1.1.1 绿色照明 1 1.1.2 节能光源 1 1.1.3 照明理念 2 1.2 国内外发展现状 2 1.2.1 国外现状 3 1.2.2 国内现状 3 2 照明设计 4 2.1 设计基础 4 2.2 照度标准 7 2.2.1 一般要求 7 2.2.2 书库要求 8 2.2.3 阅览室要求 8 2.3 基本方法 9 2.3.1 灯具选择 9 2.3.2 安装位置 9 2.3.3 高度确定 10 2.3.4 负荷计算 11 2.4 具体方案 12 2.4.1 设计任务 12 2.4.2 照度计算 13 2.4.3 灯具摆放 13 2.4.4 负荷计算 13 3 智能照明 15 3.1 引言 15 3.2 影响因素 15 3.2.1 因素-安装高度 15 3.2.2 因素-型号功率 16 3.3 数学模型 17 3.4


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