
推土机设计(转向离合器设计) 学位论文.doc

推土机设计(转向离合器设计) 学位论文.doc

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推土机设计(转向离合器设计) 学位论文

2014 届毕业设计说明书 推土机设计(转向离合器设计) 院 部: 机械工程学院 摘 要 推土机是一种多用途的自行式施工机械,能单独完成挖土、运土和卸土工作,具有操作灵活、转动方便、所需工作面小、行驶速度快等特点。其主要适用于一至三类土的浅挖短运,如场地清理或平整,开挖深度不大的基坑以及回填,推筑高度不大的路基等。 由于履带推土机具有良好的越野性能及牵引性能,所以,近几十年来推土机的发展一直保持着重要的生产地位,技术性能得到不断的改善。 随着我们科学技术的发展以及同国外技术交流的不断扩大,推土机新产品的设计、研制水平也在不断提高。研制推土机新产品,设计师第一道工序就是它的总体设计,而总体设计又关系到推土机设计成败的关键。而另一项对推土机总体性能起决定性作用的装置就是转向离合器,履带推土机的应用之所以比轮式的更广泛,就是因为它的行走装置能适应更多的、更恶劣的工作环境,然而履带推土机的行走装置又必须通过转向离合器来控制,所以,设计转向离合器也是非常重要的一步。 关键词:履带推土机;液力机械传动;转向离合器 ABSTRACT Caterpillar bulldozers have a wide range of applica tions , which is one of thebasic equipment of earth moving machines. It can shovel, transport , dump soil,backfill, clea n up and formate the construction site, eradicate the roots and any otherworks independently, and so on. Bulldozers are not only widely used in civilengineering, also it has been fully used in transportation, water conservancy, mining,agriculture, forestry, and defense projects. As our science and technology development and technology excha nge withforeign countries , the design of new bulldozers and the level of development is risingall the time . For the designers ,the first step of the development of new bulldozers is theovera ll design, which is related to the key to success of the bulldozers design. Anotherelement is the design of the steering clutch which pla ys a decisive role in the overa lldesign of bulldoze s.The caterpillar bulldozers can be more extensive tha n the wheel,because its running device which it can be adapted to more and more poor working conditions, and the running device of crawler bulldozers must be turned to control thesteering clutch, so the design of the steering clutch design is also an important step. Key words: caterpillar bulldozer; hydraulic machine transmission system; steering clutch



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