
外语专业从电影《喜宴》看中西婚姻 观的差异 毕业设计 .doc

外语专业从电影《喜宴》看中西婚姻 观的差异 毕业设计 .doc

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外语专业从电影《喜宴》看中西婚姻 观的差异 毕业设计

太原科技大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目:从电影《喜宴》看中西婚姻观的差异 Different Marital Views Between China and the West Reflected in Film XiYan 姓 名___ _张帆______ 学院(系)_外国语学院__ 专 业___英语________ 年 级_大学四年级____ 指导教师__李丽丽老师___ 2015年 5 月 1 日 Different Marital Views Between China and the West Reflected in Film XiYan ZhangFan A thesis submitted to school of Foreign Language in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Under the supervision of Lecturer LiLili Taiyuan University of Science and Technology June 2015 Acknowledgements Foremost among those to whom I remain deeply indebted is my supervisor, Lilili, without whose inspiring instructions, kind support and constant encouragement this paper would have been impossible. I thank her for her respectable strict attitude towards study, which deeply impressed me during the supervision of this paper and will go on influencing me in my future study, work and life. I especially appreciate her assistance in my selection of the topic of the thesis, sorting of thoughts, searching for references and revising my thesis. I thank the teachers in the Foreign Languages Department for their instruction and devotion, which made my staying here fruitful and rewarding. My thanks also goes to all the authors, editors and contributors of the reference articles, books and websites cited in my thesis, without whose efforts this thesis wouldn’t be complete. And at this moment, I want to thank my parents who always provide me encouragement all these years. I am deeply indebted to them for their whole-hearted support during my writing this paper. Contents Abstract 摘要 Introduction 2 . Different Marital Views Between China and the West Reflected in XiYan 2.1 Different Purpose of Getting Married 2.2 Different Relationship between Husband and Wife in Marriage 2.3 Different Wedding Ceremony 3. The Factors Contributing to Those Differences 3.1 Values 3.2 Cultural patterns 3.3 Individualism ve


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