
网络对战五子棋 学位论文.doc

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网络对战五子棋 学位论文

摘要 五子棋游戏以其优秀的人工智能深受广大玩家的喜爱,而对于初步探究的编程爱好者来说,编制五子棋程序因其规则简单而大受欢迎,然而它却要求程序员对五子棋规则有相当深入的了解。程序员考虑得越周到,其五子棋程序就越智能。 五子棋游戏软件设计的主要内容是:根据五子棋的基本规则,要让知道该在哪一点下子,就要根据盘面的形势,,也就是该点的,,因此玩家本文论述了采用五子棋程序的分析与设计,并采用面向对象的开发工具来具体实现 game with excellent artificial intelligence by the vast number of players who, for the initial research network organization programming enthusiasts, Gobang procedures for the preparation of the rules simple and popular, but it requires programmer to Gobang game has a deep understanding of the rules. Other thoughtful consideration they treat their Gobang game procedures more wisdom. Gobang game software design is the main content: According Gobang basic rules to know each others customers - in violation of the West, we must under Permian situation, and the board pawn re-mapping mapping, that is updating the point position, and then through the monitoring network news until the new location on the board what position, Following changes, and through the calculation, resulting in players is victory. , the on-line game players can repeatedly. This article discusses the use of on-line way reflect those Gobang procedures analysis and design, object-oriented development tools and the adoption of specific C# to achieve. Key Words : Socket;?C/S;?Gobang;?play?chess?on?network,C# 目 录 1绪论 5 1.1选题背景和意义 5 1.2国内外研究现状和发展趋势 5 1.3 研究内容与目标 6 2相关理论与技术 7 2.1五子棋简介 7 2.2相关技术简介 7 2.2.1 C/S体系结构 7 2.2.2 SOCKET简介 8 2.2.3 面向对象的理论知识 10 2.2.4 C#.NET 相关知识介绍 10 3系统的分析与设计 11 3.1需求分析 11 3.2 功能分析 11 3.3运行环境 12 4系统的实现 12 4.1概要设计 12 4.2流程图 13 4.3程序详细设计 14 5总结 31 致谢 31 参考文献 32 1绪论 1.1选题背景和意义 五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。现代五子棋日文称之为“连珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有“连五子”、“五子连”、“串珠”、“五目”、“五目碰”、“五格”等多种称谓。? ?五子棋不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。五子棋既有现代休闲的明显特征“短、平、快”,又有古典哲学的高深学问“阴阳易理”;它既有简单易学的特性,为人民群众所喜闻乐见,又有深奥的技巧和高水平的国际性比赛;它的棋文化源渊流长,具有东方的神秘和西方的直观;既有“场”的概念,亦有“点”的连接。它是中西文化的交流点,是古今哲理的结晶。 五子棋起源于古代中国,发展于日本,风靡于欧洲。对于它与围棋的关系有两种说法,一说早于围棋,早在“尧造围棋”之前,民间就已有五子棋游戏;一说源于围棋,是围棋发



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